I need some tough love.

I was doing really well up until this weekend. I need someone to kick my *kitten* and tell me to get back to it. I had lost 10 pounds. Given up soda for the most part and then all of the sudden we are out camping and it's raining and I just lounge all day and here I am. I weighed myself today. gained 2 pounds (i weigh myself every day so i know it can go up and down but it has never gone up this much I wont record my weight in until thursday my normal weigh in day). I had been doing really well with JM 30DS. I am on level 2 day 4 now and have no desire. I'm trying to stay under my calorie goal. but I just have nooooo motivation. Be mean to me so I get my act together lol


  • nuemmedigg
    nuemmedigg Posts: 220 Member
    Come here! Turn around! Smack, smack, smack.
    Ok, kidding aside. Rain is no excuse, there are ponchos and umbrellas and you can walk in it. So, get up, log your food, you will hit the 10lbs mark again, and then keep on going. You can do it!
    Make supportive MFP friends, keep your diary open and pay attention to the feedback.

    Feel free to add me if I haven't scared you off :)
  • RoseTears143
    RoseTears143 Posts: 1,121 Member
    That's just water weight. This is no reason to feel like you are ready to give up and just accept that gain. Now let's get over that pity party and get back in the game!! :wink:

    And I agree - using the rain as a reason to lie around and do nothing is just an excuse. Rain won't make you melt away. Tighten up your food again and get back into exercising. Aaaannnnndddd GO!
  • Babygirlof7
    Babygirlof7 Posts: 3 Member
    Totally understand, I have to make myself work out after I get off work but I also check in with friends, who hold me accountable. Your worth a HEALTHY you. Get back up and let us know how your workout goes tonight, we will be waiting to here from you.
  • mwiechel
    mwiechel Posts: 77 Member
    Don't throw everything you have worked for just because you had a bad few days. Don't look back, you can't change what happened this weekend, but you can make changes for a healthier you going forward! We all fall of track now and then, but that doesn't mean we should just stop.

    Don't wait for tomorrow, don't wait for next week, start right now. You can still make changes TODAY!

  • PlayerHatinDogooder
    PlayerHatinDogooder Posts: 1,018 Member
    Here you go.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,474 Member
    FOCUS,, how bad do you want this>>>
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    There will always be possible excuses. There will always be times where life and nature and people try to get in the way. If you let that happen, you'll never finish. You had a couple of bad days. Put them in the past and move on.
  • mikkijane1
    mikkijane1 Posts: 50 Member
    gIRL YOU GOT THIS! you are a beautiful, strong, amazing woman and I know you can do it!!!
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    *polishes butt-kicking boot* Okay, get over here.

    You'll be fine - remember "Tomorrow is always fresh with no mistakes in it." Put what's past in the past and move forward with healthy eating - YOU CAN DO THIS! :)
  • BOOMaggedon
    BOOMaggedon Posts: 244 Member
    I am going to just throw some things out there in one big messy reply. If there is something good in there...great. If not...well my apologies.

    If you looked at your life as an incredibly long walk across the US. You started off drowning in the Pacific ocean but finally found you way to shore. Walk a bit more and things seem to be looking up. Then here comes the Grand Canyon, then Pikes Peak, then the flat midwest, some more mountains on the other side, all kinds of peaks and valleys in between. To the other side to the ocean again. Rinse and walk back.

    If this is a short term goal...losing some pounds and fitting into some clothing item...then I can see falling off the wagon/horse/cart/ whatever and finding you way back in a few years. If this is a lifestyle change then realize that a lifetime is a long time. You're going to have more of these peaks and valleys. There will be weeks you pig out. There will be weeks you are uber motivated. There will be weeks you do just enough. There will be weeks you can't or don't work out.

    As far as saying something harsh to motivate you? I can't. All I know is if I had started my journey at your age instead of starting to do it the right way a year ago...I know I'd be doing even bigger and better things in my life.

    Anyway - some random bits and pieces. Hope something helps. :)
  • Colliex3
    Colliex3 Posts: 328 Member
    Stop looking at the scale everyday even though you dont think it is, it has a big effect on how you feel. So when you saw the 2lbs gain all the hard work you have put in went to... for better words crapola. So step away from the scale weigh in only on the day your supposed and work out to be healthy and fit. Plus the inches falling off somtimes look way better then the pounds.. Thats just my opinion...