Inconsistent Goal Settings


I love myfitnesspal but I am having some confusion with the settings in my "Goals" section.

I am currently 84.6 kg and my goal is 82 kg. I have listed my activity level as "Lightly Active" and that my weight loss goal is "0.75 kg a week".

When I enter these details my "net kilojoule consumed" per day calculates to be 8792kj per day. However, when I change the weight loss goal to "0.5 kg a week", which is less weight loss per week, the "net kj consumed" per day calculates to 6650. My activity level is the same.

Do you know why it is saying I can consume more kj a day when I want to lose 0.25 kg more per week? Sorry, I hope that makes sense!

Thank you for any help you may provide.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Sorry, but I don't do kg so I can only suggest you go for the lower amount and see how that goes. If you are losing too fast, then adjust your intake. Good luck.
    LINIA Posts: 1,159 Member
    I don't understand the kg weight, only pounds but i think you want to lose about 20-22 pounds, you can probably safely lose a half pound per week. But hopefully someone from the UK will help you. GL!
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    edited November 2014
    That seems like a bug in the website; it doesn't make a lick of sense that it is telling you you can eat more when your goal is to lose more weight each week. Strange. To get around this, use a different calorie calculator-- I like this one:

    and choose the "set goal manually" option when you are setting your goals on here, and just input whatever calorie intake number the other calculator gives you. Then try using MFP's automatic one in a week or so; hopefully it will have been fixed by then.

    I'd also recommend posting the problem in the technical support part of the forum. From the sound of it, something's not computing right somewhere within the site.
  • safri77
    safri77 Posts: 10 Member
    Agreed with @linnaea27 I believe it is a bug in the system. I do prefer to count manually for "goal" setting. (pardon my english, it is not my native language)