Goal Weight question

Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
Has anoyone got to their goal wieght by just doing at home exercises with DVD'S and tracking their food?


  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,321 Member
    yes.. i've seen people post on here who have done that. I've also seen people who just eat at a deficit and don't exercise lose and get to goal. Do what fits with your lifestyle..and what you like.
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    Since I started my weightloss journey in 2012, I have lost 91.6lbs and I haven't stepped foot into a gym. Although, I would love a gym membership, it just isn't feesible right now. I still have about 38.4lbs to lose.
    Break down -
    Jan 2012 : 260lbs start working out at home and a very strict diet of sorts...lets just say the diet was too strict and didn't last
    March 2013: 218lbs start using MFP and still working out at home
    September 2013: 170.2lbs took a progress picture the day I hit 170.2lbs, turns out I was about 5wks pregnant that day
    May 27 2014: 212lbs 41 weeks pregnant and 2 days before my second c-section
    Today: 168.4lbs still using MFP and working out at home
  • aeharvey36
    aeharvey36 Posts: 16 Member
    edited November 2014
    Mom_To_5 wrote: »
    Has anoyone got to their goal wieght by just doing at home exercises with DVD'S and tracking their food?

    I've gotten very close to my goal weight by walking, hand weights and logging my food. I have bad knees so I just do standing exercises.

  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    Sure you can. You just can't add muscle unless your strength training.
  • lindaloo1213
    lindaloo1213 Posts: 283 Member
    I worked out at home for years and gained weight AFTER I joined a gym! EEk
  • kcowart130
    kcowart130 Posts: 10 Member
    You can definitely do a ton without a gym membership. My husband and I moved about 30 minutes from the nearest gym, so I dropped my membership for Insanity videos and running. Honestly, I feel like I do more than I would on an elliptical and free weights at a gym.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    I did lose weight last year doing videos from youtube at home! I felt great and weight came off! Then i got too obsessed with the number on the scale and gave up! Just eating within your daily calorie limit and even something as simple as walking for so long everyday at a moderate or brisk place will help you lose weight.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    By the way i did zumba and high interval.training at home
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    it is all about eating less than calories burned....there is a million ways to get there so find your happy combo and you will get there
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    YES!!! I did a lot of rebounder, running, and 30Day Shred type workouts. If you have heavier dumbbells, you can keep adding a little weight to the circuits to make them more difficult. I also have a pull-up bar and did lots of push-ups. In the summer, I added in swimming. Of course, this is all in addition to making sure you are eating in a deficit:)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Mom_To_5 wrote: »
    Has anoyone got to their goal wieght by just doing at home exercises with DVD'S and tracking their food?

  • Yes.
  • JagerLewis
    JagerLewis Posts: 427 Member
    Mom_To_5 wrote: »
    Has anoyone got to their goal wieght by just doing at home exercises with DVD'S and tracking their food?
    Yes, I lost 62 without ever stepping foot in a gym. :)

  • ithrowconfetti
    ithrowconfetti Posts: 451 Member
    If weight loss is your sole goal, then yes, tracking calories in food and creating a deficit will help you reach your goal weight. I have never visited a gym, and I've lost 60+ pounds through keeping my calorie intake in check. Hoping to tone my body and increase strength through exercise soon, though. Good luck, OP!
  • brn14me
    brn14me Posts: 20 Member
    I started with proper nutrition (logging food) and T25, 30 day shred, and C25K. At my heaviest I couldn't run and it hurt to walk anything more than 2 miles. Now I love running and run 18-20 miles a week. I still log all of my food and now have changed my goal from weight loss to a half marathon. 3 times a week, on top of my running, I do push ups, pull ups, tricep dips, bicep curls, and t25 alpha ab workout. This is all done inside the house. I'm much more active in everything else I do now as well. Can it be done? absolutely
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    thanks! I have a Y membership but it's a 20-25 min drive there, then to work out for an hour and then drive home again is 2 hours I don't have, I have a treadmill but it's getting to cold out to use it(it's outside and minus degree weather or even hot weather don't work well) I have very limited space in our living room to work out so I'm trying to figure out what I can do, I lost almost 20 lbs back in 2009 just on my treadmill(it was in the house then) and logging on MFP, I was also home with the kids and not working then. I went back to school Sept 2009 and gained it back. I want it GONE again now! Just not sure what all to do with limited space and time.
    I leave for work about 8:10 and get home about 6,I also sit all day at a computer, so by the time we make supper and get the kids in bed I'm dead tired and don't want to do anything but go to bed myself :( Need to get the energy to do something at night somehow. I am 19.3 lbs from my goal weight as of this morning.
  • NewLeaf_13
    NewLeaf_13 Posts: 18 Member
    I use videos called "10 minute solutions". They are great if you're in a time crunch and have limited space. I live in a tiny one-bedroom apartment and can do all of them without leaving the area rug I have in my living room. Even when I really really don't feel like working out, I force myself to do one 10-minute video at least. Usually by the time I finish that one I'm so pumped I end up doing a few more and before I know it 50 minutes have gone by! But even if you just do 10 minutes, it's better than nothing! :)
  • FromHereOnOut
    FromHereOnOut Posts: 3,237 Member
    Mom_To_5 wrote: »
    thanks! I have a Y membership but it's a 20-25 min drive there, then to work out for an hour and then drive home again is 2 hours I don't have, I have a treadmill but it's getting to cold out to use it(it's outside and minus degree weather or even hot weather don't work well) I have very limited space in our living room to work out so I'm trying to figure out what I can do, I lost almost 20 lbs back in 2009 just on my treadmill(it was in the house then) and logging on MFP, I was also home with the kids and not working then. I went back to school Sept 2009 and gained it back. I want it GONE again now! Just not sure what all to do with limited space and time.
    I leave for work about 8:10 and get home about 6,I also sit all day at a computer, so by the time we make supper and get the kids in bed I'm dead tired and don't want to do anything but go to bed myself :( Need to get the energy to do something at night somehow. I am 19.3 lbs from my goal weight as of this morning.

    For "weight loss" of the 19+- lbs, you should focus on reeling your diet in. But to build a sexy body and for health: workout. If you already have a Y membership, I'd recommend that you start by making yourself go on days you don't work, when you'd have more time, so that the drive, etc wouldn't seem so long. Like, if you work M-F 9-5, go Saturday and Sunday to workout. Then, you'd only have to squeeze-in one beforework or afterwork session per week to be doing 3x/week workouts--which is pretty standard. And on days that the temp is not too bad, you might choose to do your afterwork workout on the treadmill vs. that drive to the gym. The main thing is get your diet right, move as much as you can at work and at home, and make a pact with yourself for at least 2 gym days per week and build from there. Good luck!
  • Mom_To_5
    Mom_To_5 Posts: 646 Member
    Thanks!! I forgot to mention that on Monday's or Thursdays my son goes to beavers and on Wednesday my daughter has adventure girls and then Friday night she has cheer and again on Saturday at 12:30 again, so I am also driving them everywhere as well, so that takes up a lot of my time too. :(
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Me. I was part of a group class for about a month at the start of my journey, but for the most part all of my exercise is at home with DVDs, using 5 and 8 pound dumbells. I started in March at just over 180 pounds, and I'm down over 50 pounds. When I started I was doing Leslie Sansone Walk at Home videos, and now I do Jillian Michaels for Beginners. Though I have not built muscle, with the Jillian Michaels DVD and taking in an adequate amount of protien I've been able to maintain lean mass
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