New Here. What does 1200 calories look like?



  • MistyinTN
    MistyinTN Posts: 78 Member
    I really struggled trying to maintain 1200 a day and would often go over. Since I've upped my calories to around 1500 I've been eating less and losing. It must be psychological for me. Once I was over 1200 I would have the attitude of "yeah, I blew it and may as well eat whatever I want." Not good for me. Welcome to the journey.
  • bonniemasson
    bonniemasson Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you all so much. I think I'm going to keep my calorie intake around the 1600 mark and see how that goes.

    Right, now to get my shopping list together and get some good, wholesome food in the house!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Put your stats into MFP and set it to lose 1lb a week - it does all the hard sums for you!
  • JaneECS
    JaneECS Posts: 71 Member
    I'm on 1200, so feel free to friend me so you can see what it looks like for me, but I won't be staying on it for ever! When I am 80% there, I will start gradually increasing, accepting that I will lose slower. Look, you will find a million opinions on here, not all of them constructive. The only consistently good advice is find an equally motivated buddy. The whole of the rest, just keep experimenting until you find what works at a rate you are happy with, then the really hard work starts - keeping it off!
  • peachy48161
    peachy48161 Posts: 17 Member
    I use 1200 calories a day and some days, I don't use them all and some days when I plan a dinner out I go over. It's the food choices you make which will determine if you can do 1200. I eat egg whites/cottage cheese/strawberries for breakfast, 1st snack veggies and light dip or babybell cheese and cherry tomatoes or skinnypop popcorn, lunch usually left overs from night before , 2nd snack grapes/watermelon or protein shake , dinner(i do a lot of festive salads and recipes off and I don't feel hungry or deprived. It's all about planning. If I know i'm going out to dinner I plan my earlier meals to reflect that and get some exercise in to offset the calories. But planning a food choices are what makes the difference.