Portion size in grams



  • FitnessTrainer69
    FitnessTrainer69 Posts: 283 Member
    It depends on how you want to consume your calories. You need to know how many carbs/fats/proteins you want out of each meal to make up your caloric goal for the day. My goal is 3k a day. example for one meal for me would be 1/2 chicken breast and half cup of rice. or 114 grams/4ounces of chicken and 62grams of rice. This alone is around 700 cal. I just eat this until I reach my goal each day. I also add in my fats here and there. and I change my protiens daily just for taste. Hope this helps
  • indianwin2001
    indianwin2001 Posts: 296 Member
    I just want to say that all the information everyone is giving you is correct,and although it may seem overwhelming, once you start weighing and logging your food,the process SLOWLY becomes second nature and becomes easier.
  • CryMtz
    CryMtz Posts: 21 Member
    It depends on how you want to consume your calories. You need to know how many carbs/fats/proteins you want out of each meal to make up your caloric goal for the day. My goal is 3k a day. example for one meal for me would be 1/2 chicken breast and half cup of rice. or 114 grams/4ounces of chicken and 62grams of rice. This alone is around 700 cal. I just eat this until I reach my goal each day. I also add in my fats here and there. and I change my protiens daily just for taste. Hope this helps

    Im 5'3" at 168 lbs and have been told to stay between 1200-1500 cal a day, maybe the question I should be asking is how many calories a day is recommended for me to loose weight.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited November 2014
    If you are maintaining now, you want to understand what calories you've been eating. If it's more than 1500 or so, you could reduce it. If it's already less there's something screwy and it's worth looking at more carefully. Then I'd try just picking a number that seems reasonable (what depends on whether you eat back exercise calories) and stick to it really consistently for a couple of weeks, as sometimes reconstructing underestimates.

    The calculator I use gives your TDEE (conservative estimate) as over 2100, so in theory you should be losing a bit more than 1 lb/week if you are consistent at 1500 (that's without eating back exercise calories). But your actual results are better than a calculator and it would not at all surprise me if your actual TDEE is somewhat higher.

    I'm older than you and your height and lost 2 lb/week at 1250 plus exercise calories when I was 168, but I exercised a lot (it looks like you do too) and was pretty active on top of exercise (bike commuted) and also ate back exercise calories so ate quite a bit more than 1250 on 6 of 7 days.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Start by just weighing what you normally eat. Get a few days of that under your belt.

    Each meal gives you a macro count. You also get a daily total.

    Once you see how what you're eating works out, you can start playing around with it.

    If you're eating fresh food, I'd suggest swapping out the sugar tracking for fiber. Fiber is important and if you eat a lot of fruit, you'll exceed that sugar goal every day, anyway.

    Rome wasn't built in a day! :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    The right portion is whatever fits in your diet. You can start with what a 'serving size' is (typically it's written on the package, or it's 85g for protein or veggies) and go from there.
  • evileen99
    evileen99 Posts: 1,564 Member
    CryMtz wrote: »
    Hornsby wrote: »
    I'm sorry. I was joking with my post. There is an inside joke with those numbers that I am sure some people get. I wasn't trying to derail.

    Either way, there is no right portion size for everyone. Weight loss is all about calories so figuring out your portion sizes should be based on your calorie goals.

    Okay, so if I don't eat anything from a box, can or container that has serving size or calorie counts. I should just research each raw item to see how many calories they have per gram? And then decide how many grams I am going to eat?
    Yes, that is exactly what you do. I grab as many grapes as I want to eat, weigh them, and log those calories.
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I just want to say that all the information everyone is giving you is correct,and although it may seem overwhelming, once you start weighing and logging your food,the process SLOWLY becomes second nature and becomes easier.

    This is very true. The first few weeks for me were a whirlwind of learning a whole lot about nutrition and what's in the food I eat. It becomes much easier with practice.

  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    Don't forget you can prelog (or practice) filling in your log to see the values and delete them and start over. I always plan one day in advance then I can tweak what I eat to fit my protein and fat goals, as well as micronutrients. The MFP log is a great tool for that.
    Sometimes I'll change lunch and breakfast if I want something specific for dinner.