Tone Stomach, Lose weight, eat healthy

Hello everyone. I'm trying to lose a little weight around my stomach and thighs. I also want to build muscle there too. I'm staying within the correct amount of calories for weight loss, but I want to also look into eating foods that aid in weight loss. (I heard green tea is good). I also am trying to learn new recipes so that I'm not just dieting, I'll be eating tasty and healthy meals. Any tips or tricks?


  • peachyfuzzle
    peachyfuzzle Posts: 1,122 Member
    Specific foods aiding in weightloss is a myth. It is all about calories in vs. calories out. Your body doesn't really care what those calories come from, and as long as you're expending more than you're ingesting, you'll lose weight. Eat whatever you want as long as you stay in your calorie budget.

    Unfortunately, that weight can't just come from specific places. It will come from wherever it comes from, and nothing can be "targeted." That part is all genetics. At the same time, since you're in a calorie deficit trying to lose weight, you'll be losing muscle also, not gaining.
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    NO such thing as targeted weight loss... or spot reduction...nothing but caloric deficit and sweat from working hard is going to give you the results you are looking for... BUT you can tighten up the whole package...there are lots of exercise DVD's if you don't have access to a gym... check MFP for groups that share the workout DVD experience... good luck