Training for marathon



  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Jogging with diffrent types of hydration device.
    1. Carrying water. Draw back swiching hands
    2. Water belt. ok, but draw back. I dont like the feel. And suxs after long runs
    3. camal pack. Draw back, don't put too much water.
    4. Carrying no water. Draw back, list is long all bad.

    Short run to me is 6 miles or less. Anything more then that. I use a hydration device.
    So far my fav is camal pack. Gets lighter as run goes on. And love my hands being free.
    What do you use?
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    This is an update pic of myself. I wish I can show my last and this side by side. BMI is 24.8
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    hulslaj wrote: »
    I am a couch to half marathoner. Only thing keeping me from doing a full is training time involved. Just not an option right now. That being said, here are some "golden rules" for running.

    1. Take rest days and use them well.
    2. 10% increase in distance per week, and have increases in no more than 2 consecutive weeks.
    3. When you double your distance you should expect a 10% increase in your rate
    4. Shoes are a great investment. Make sure to have a breaking in period for new shoes, and try to keep your shoes to 500 miles or less.
    5. Hydration rules are really for those running for an hour or more, but pay attention to them.
    6. Proper lubrication is VITAL. Body glide makes for less pain.
    7. Sportswash detergent should be renamed the marriage saver.
    8. goal should be 180 steps per minute running. adjust stride length to increase speed.
    9. Most marathon training plans stop at 20 miles. If you are at 13 now, running a full next season (presumably next fall) shouldn't be a problem in the slightest.
    10. Paying for a race is great incentive for training.

    Great advice!
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Completed 25 miles total last week. Ready for this week. But its time to up a few things.
  • Hi! I am in between training cycles, recovering from Bay State Marathon followed by the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon 2 weeks after, but will be running a spring marathon, it will be my 5th marathon. I am hoping to get a bib for Boston from the running club I am in and will know in a couple of weeks. I ran Boston last year and it was amazing. If not, I am thinking of doing the Maine Marathon. I highly recommend getting Hal Higdon's book, Marathon - The Ultimate Training Guide. It lives on my coffee table. :) Which marathon are you running?
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    cPT_Helice wrote: »
    Hi! I am in between training cycles, recovering from Bay State Marathon followed by the Disney Wine and Dine Half Marathon 2 weeks after, but will be running a spring marathon, it will be my 5th marathon. I am hoping to get a bib for Boston from the running club I am in and will know in a couple of weeks. I ran Boston last year and it was amazing. If not, I am thinking of doing the Maine Marathon. I highly recommend getting Hal Higdon's book, Marathon - The Ultimate Training Guide. It lives on my coffee table. :) Which marathon are you running?

    Im running the Sham Rock Marathon! This will be my first! Half marathon to me are like candy! Last year after completeing 8, its time to up my game. Also like to mix it up with other types of races as well, mud, tri, races as well. I would love to do a Bostin. But I know it take a little time to enter one, and lot of work on my part.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2014
    So far this week I put in 13 miles. Two more than normal. Only because There was a 10k turkey races I did yesterday. But the day prior I only jog 3 miles instead of my normal job. Not a bad time. I fin in under and hour. The last mile I pust myself a little more than noraml. Fininsh the last mile in 9 mins. I still training this weekend. Not looking forward to it. I may finish the whole jog in 3 hours or more. When it comes to my short jogs. I notice I my times getting a little faster. But some days are better than others, due to the weather.

    So far due to cold temp of 42 yesterday moring and slight rain. I jog with shorts, long sleves, and jacket. I may need to invest in a jogging jacket that really breaths. Jacket I useing would be great for temp above 25. Also wore head band to cover ears, and mittens.

    After the race: long sleve shirt was drench and the inside of my jacket a little wet. Even though it was still in low 40s. Taking off that long sleve help me conserve my body heat! It always pay to have dry clothes ready lol
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    edited November 2014
    This week jog put in 28 miles. Two more miles than norm. I think I push myself just a tab more than I should. Time to RICE. Sunday using the time to relax, watch few football games. Too much lone time lol! Did Finnish my jog under 3 hours. Did walk but that was near the end. Still, its ok to take my time and not push myself a lot harder. I should think about weight training for legs...
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I'm training for a road marathon, too. it's in two weeks. It's not my first race this distance but it's my first road marathon, so the training has been different than what I'm used to. I had about 5 weeks to train, and started at 15 miles for my first run. My last long run was today.

    I have found the info here to be amazing. it's dense with information, you'll be reading for years and not see everything but its sound information.

    for my speed work (intervals, tempo runs, etc) I refer to my pace chart which is made from my fastest 5k time. My coach made mine, but you can make one for yourself here
    it's good to have a goal for your speedwork, tempo runs, as well as a pace for your long runs.

    I live in Dallas, TX and can't really address running in the cold, but I do drink a lot of water because it's usually hot and humid. I use VFuel energy gels, one per hour (or less), and Endurolytes electrolyte supplement (pills) when it's very humid. I add Vega Electrolyte Hydrator to my water, as well.

    Good luck on your race!
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Thank you things going well in training. VA cold but at times idk if the weather pipoler or not!

    One per hour? Energy gels. That sounds resoneable. I take one and small snack at midway point. But I was thinking breaking it into parts every 5 to 6 miles. I thinking about joining training running group I heard of. I just have not put too much into thought behind it. All about drive and time lol! I rather have humid weather then cold!
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Monday workout didn't go very well, but completed few miles. I think I walk about total half mile. Just wasn't feeling. Was a nine night.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Looking forward to this even jog, due to race this sunday. Today have to train day. 16 Miles. Guess I should dress up for evening/night jog with safely reflective gear for drivers to see.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Friday night 16 mile jog was complete success! Did not wore too much. Though my shirt was little wet from swet. I was about completely dry! Also did not put too much water in my hydration pack. Which got me thinking a little diffirent on carry too much weight. Time complete just over 3 hours. Looking forward to this weekend traning. Might not train today, due to race completed Sunday. Only 5 miles. Complete in 45 mins, was jogging with partner for 4 miles but we agree to split at 4 mile mark. So maybe I rest today or train.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Yes I did
    Tinabob777 wrote: »
    VA Beach, huh? I did the 10K turkey trot too! Did you do the Mt. Trashmore? I am doing the RNR half on labor day. I can't train for a spring half (too freaking cold) I am just doing all I can to maintain a base.

    I did do the Christmas Town 8k yesterday in Williamsburg.

    Yes I did the Turkey Trot at Mt Trashmort And the 8k Bushgarden VA Williamsburg too! I did not sign up for the RNR half on labor day yet. Its too cold myself but I want that Sharm Rock full! lol
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Anyone ever jog in snow? What kind shoe to were? just in case it snows here
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    13shark77 wrote: »
    Anyone ever jog in snow? What kind shoe to were? just in case it snows here

    I wear trail shoes, preferably my big-lugged Salomon Fellraisers

  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    13shark77 wrote: »
    Anyone ever jog in snow? What kind shoe to were? just in case it snows here

    I wear trail shoes, preferably my big-lugged Salomon Fellraisers

    Thank you!
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Yesterday was training day that became my rest day and fat day! Sometimes body just needs to heal and time spent with family.
  • 13shark77
    13shark77 Posts: 65 Member
    Last night jog was nice, was going more but putting myself back to regular training settings! This week long jog is 17 miles. Idk if when I put in the time for that. Rather do it tonight but today rest day from yesterday jog. So trying to fig how to imput that into Saturday? Saturday going to be busy with studies, Army/Navy football game. If weather holds, then a night jog. What you have to remmber. 17 miles is about 3.5 hours give or take. Last mile my pace drops to 12-25 mins per mile lol!
  • TFaustino67
    TFaustino67 Posts: 551 Member
    13shark77 wrote: »
    Anyone ever jog in snow? What kind shoe to were? just in case it snows here

    I wear trail shoes, preferably my big-lugged Salomon Fellraisers

    I was wondering about these - how do you like them?