over 60



  • mohanj
    mohanj Posts: 381 Member
    I will be 61 next month. I do workout just like when I was in 30s but with less intensity. For example, I don't do jump ropes or jumping jacks as it huts my knees. Instead I do Yoga, Zumba and other things.
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Still running +swimming,just less energetically than in my 50's.
  • spiriteagle99
    spiriteagle99 Posts: 3,686 Member
    At 65, retired, I have time to exercise that I didn't have when I was working. Then I did a lot of hiking on the weekends and vacations, but only a bit of walking at lunch during the week. Now I walk 2-3 miles every day and run 30-40 miles a week.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    edited October 2022
    I just turned 72 and, yes, I exercise less not than when I was 62 and this is mainly due to age.

    Use to do a lot of heavy lifting plus 3x10+ pullups & 3x20+ pushups 3x's weekly but had to stop doing most of that due to an age detriorated right elbow, not arthriris but debilatating just the same.

    If/when I do any weight training now, it's mainly lower body exercises that I still have no problem doing

    Since the elbow became a problem, my main form of exercise is to row 10km meters per day, 5 days a wk, which is equivalent to about 2.5 million meters per year, which is still a decent amount of exercise.
  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,735 Member
    hiphop10 wrote: »
    anyone over 60 do you do less exercise then when you were younger?

    I do a little less because seems I don't have as much strength as when I was younger
    slowly but surely I think my strength is getting better.
    anyone else in the same boat?

    Define "younger"? I didn't start getting routinely active until my mid-40s, after cancer treatment. I do more now (at 66) than I did then . . . because I have more time in retirement, plus am much stronger, fitter, and lighter weight than I was then.

    I remember wondering if I'd be able to make it through a 5-mile fun bike ride with a group of friends when I was in my 40s, and now - still not a serious biker doing big distances - it's been a pretty common thing this summer to take 20+ mile rides a couple of times a week, on non-rowing days. (I row boats 4 days a week for about an hour in season, weather permitting.)

    It's great that you're working out, and your strength is improving. I'm betting you can find a lot of up side improvement yet to come, if you stick with it.

    One thing I do notice in myself as I age is that I need to be more intentional about recovery and volume in context of overall cumulative physical/psychological stress; and that injury avoidance has a higher priority because if I need to take a forced break I de-train a little faster, and it takes more time to get back to baseline afterward. YMMV on that.
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    I would exercise in spurts (months every other day, then months of nothing) throughout my 20-50’s. Now early 60’s and retired, I now workout ~6 days/wk, specifically because I have the time. I would guess that I’m lifting about the same weights (I never kept my earlier notes). I haven’t noticed any less strength in my day-to-day activities, but I am confident that my hiking ability has increased. I enjoy working out.