Fitness Trackers like Fitbit, Jawbone or ??

Do you use a fitness tracker? Any recommendations for which one to get? The more popular seem to be Fitbit , Jawbone Up.


  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I find my Jawbone Up more useful as a motivator than an actual analysis tool. Since you wear it on your wrist, it doesn't record if your arm isn't moving around. For example, if I am carrying groceries out to the boat.

    For all I use it now, any old bracelet would serve the purpose: it reminds me to get off my *kitten* and MOVE. I will sometimes look at the step count to motivate me to move more, but the sleep tracker has never well worked for me and my iPad won't connect to the internet at home, so I never get the other feedback anymore.