Getting back in to it

Hey everyone!

So today I have decided to start working out again,It's been about two months give or take that I stopped because of some health Issues I had nothing to big just wasn't able to work out like I wanted to Drs order,but I'm better now and would like to get back in to it,my question is how many days a week should I do my work out Dvds? Should I start of with 3x a week or get right in to it with 6x a week? the video I do works you're hole body so I'm not sure if that would be pushing my self to hard to fast, also it's a 45 min video I have it also has a 20 min part but I fine that one just a little to easy and not enough of a work out,would doing the 45 min be enough for me or should I add both parts in,The 45 min part is tough its got alot Jammed in to it so by the end of it you feel great.


  • grandmothercharlie
    grandmothercharlie Posts: 1,361 Member
    I'd start slowly and you will know. I don't think it will matter how many days a week as much as how long. Why not start with just some stretches, maybe a walk or put on some music and dance. Limit it to maybe 20 minutes. If you feel good enough, some weights if that is what you do. You'll know when you can get back to a full workout and how often.