Hi everyone!

Hi everyone! I'm new here, just downloaded the app the other day. I'v always loved fitness and trying to be healthy, but since I graduated highschool (8 years ago now!) I have put on some weight. My eating habits have gotten way worse and even though I run almost every day, I just can't control my eating (I over eat way too much). However, I love having viewable stats and this app really motivates me to keep everything in control. I went over my first day but I did a lot better than I would have done otherwise. I'm going to keep working on it hopefully ease myself back into a really healthy lifestyle.

I'm 25, an American living in China. My bachelors degree was in Chinese language and literature. Now I'm living in China doing my master's degree. It's really hard for me to track nutritional information and such for most my foods because most the time, it's just impossible to get information on anything you eat so but I plan on doing my best to research the dishes I eat, serving sizes, and hopefully get my values as accurate as possible.

My goal isn't necessarily to lose weight. Of course I wouldn't mind losing 5-10lbs and returning to my highschool weight, but i'm pretty content with how I am now. My real goal is just to be more healthy. I have a bad kidney so it's important for me to keep a healthy lifestyle if I don't want it to fail completely. The doctors told me the biggest dangers to my kidneys are 1) physically injuries to the kidney area 2) being overweight/unhealthy and 3) stress. My secondary goal is to improve my running times, which should naturally happen as I become more healthy and lose weight. I love running, it's one of my favorite activities. I ran track all throughout highschool and have competed in various half marathons, 10k's and 5k's since. However, as I gained weight, my times gradually got slower and I'd love to get a lot faster.

Anyways, kind of a long introduction but just want to stop by and say hi! Since I'm living in China, I'll leave you with some Chinese encouragement. 加油 jiayou! It literally translates to add oil, or keep up the good work!