Incoming college freshman

Im about to start college and i need to lose a lot of weight before then. I've already lost almost 14 lbs so far but Im afraid it might get harder in the weeks and months to come. I really need to find some people i can share this journey with to keep myself accountable... maybe even someone in the same situation.


  • 1duffwf
    1duffwf Posts: 76 Member
    Hey lady - for starters GOOD JOB for losing those 14 lbs. I was in your same position a few moons ago. I ended up gaining a lot of weight in college - and not because I wasn't active. I gained all my weight because of: beer, pizza, and bad food choices in the dining hall. My roommate? She lost a bunch of weight because she avoided beer, pizza, and made better choices in the dining hall.

    So avoid the beer, pizza, and late night snacks. Make good choices in the dining hall - like baked fish/chicken, salads, whole grain pasta, subs with whole grain bread/lots of veggies/some meat/and easy on the toppings, steamed veggies (without the cheese), and fruits. Buy a mini fridge for your dorm room and stock it with low-fat yogurt, fruit, veggies, low-fat cheese sticks for in between meal snacks. Pretzels and low-fat microwave popcorn are also dorm friendly snacks.

    My campus had gym we could use for super cheap. And of course walking to and from places (class, dining hall) is a great way to burn calories.

    Keep on logging your calories and activities here on MFP too. You can do it!!
  • Hold on tight.
    Freshman year of college is when I gained most of my weight.
    Good for you for catching it before it happens!