New here and letting this diet destroy me



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Jamba juice has one...but u will feel quite full. Try theirs see if it helps u hit ur cals befire u break ur head, budget, and possibly blender trying recipes.
  • beachinit46
    beachinit46 Posts: 7 Member
    it is definitely not hard to gain weight or not be able to loose it on a under 1200 calorie diet. this has been my struggle. I was a much healthier weith some 12 yrs ago after a weight loss struggle that I thought I was winning. I was walking to work and dropping pounds like a knife through warm butter! I was wrong. I had stage 3b/4 cancer and that was burning up my nutrients. anyways, after 3 yrs of that my weight was great, but on the way home from my last treatment I was in a horrific accident and In a coma for some months and a rehab facility for a while after that. then a year in bed followed up by 4 years in a wheel chair. all that not moving and still eating put the lbs on. I tried everything, weight watchers, hungry girl, nutrisystem, all of it. nothing seemed to work right. I ended up mixing parts of the weight watcher program and parts of hungry girl stuff and you can get ALOT of food under 1200 calories realy! the thing is they are mostly all fruits and veggies and low or no fat and when I finaly went to a dietitian I was told you NEED some of those fats and protiens. and NOT to be afraid of the carb!! I was struggeling with there being such a high carb count in some of the fruits like grapes, apples and necturines. my body had long ago gone into starvation mode and yours may be doing the same thing. myself...I was SHOCKED!! holy smokes, starvation mode lol I thought she was CRAZY! I mean look at me lol I couldn't see that at all but almost a month in and determined to stick out her plan and give it an honest try as none of my plans work. I am surprised to admit I DO NOT know it all lol adding the fats and protiens and even the carbs has helped and It is hard for me to believe adding calories helped me loose weight
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    Sooo before you could eat enough in one sitting to gain weight and now you can't eat enough in a whole day to net 1200 cals gross 2000 cals?

    Things make even less sense, and I didn't think that was possible!

    This confuses me as well. My weight slowly goes up though. Maybe the one meal a thing and sitting on my *kitten* slowed my metabolism up.... a lot. Oh well, I find it easy to relatively kick things back to the way they were. I once lost 10lbs in a month while on a pork and noodle diet while living in thailand, from very basic workouts. haha

    You may have hit the nail on the head with the metabolism comment.

  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Not sure if my metabolism changing or my body coming out of starvation mode, but day 3 now and I heard my stomach growl for the first time in 2 years probably (lol); not only just growl, but growl nonstop throughout the day.

    Body is getting used to shoving down the calories and asking for more. It's a shame that MFP calorie counter doesn't factor in weight lifting like it does cardio. Not sure how I should factor this in. Get a HRM to wear while "strength training?" Probably cutting my body even more short of calories on days that I do both cardio and weights because I'm just going by what I can see on the charts.
  • jesusarolon
    jesusarolon Posts: 208 Member
    bajoyba wrote: »
    I will admit that this concerns me a bit. As a moderately active 28 year old female, I lose weight on 1700 calories a day. 1200 calories seems very low for a 28 year old male with only 25 pounds to lose.

    If you're having trouble eating enough, you may need to re-evaluate what it is that you're eating. Are you eating a lot of low-calorie, high volume foods? If you haven't already, try eating more full-fat or calorie dense foods like nuts, seeds, nut butters, butter/olive oil, avocado, cheeses, salmon, and full-fat versions of foods like dairy products and salad dressings rather than low-fat or 'light' versions. And don't be afraid to leave room in your diet for treats. :)

    I agree 100%. I eat around 1400 calories and loose 2 pounds a week. Although I'm about to slow down to around a pound a week. But anyway 1200 is too low.

  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    As for eating late, my doctor's advice was not to eat two hours before sleeping, not after a certain time. I usually end up staying awake until about 2-3am, so not eating after 10pm would really mess me up! So, if you spread out your meals over the course of the day and evening, you could eat later if it works for you.

    MFP does actually have an entry for weight training, but it's only moderately accurate. The good news is it tends to underestimate, so it's worth listing just so have an estimate to see.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Wierd. When I put in my workouts yesterday, it gave me calories burned for cycling, but not for the weights. Havn't tried it yet today, but will be inputting both again. Guess I'll see if it works this time or not
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited November 2014
    Maybe you're overestimating how much you're burning during exercise. Most people do if they don't realize that MFP values and exercise machine values are way too high.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    If you want to eat once a day, eat once a day. If you want to eat after midnight, eat after midnight. Timing doesn't matter -- the only thing that matters for losing weight is burning more than you consume.

    As for inputting calories burned, look for "strength training" under cardio exercise. Also, the values that MFP gives you aren't very accurate. If you want a more accurate estimate, get a heart rate monitor.

    BTW I see we're neighbors -- I live and work in Bethesda.

    Good luck.
  • johnnylakis
    johnnylakis Posts: 812 Member
    I have developed this problem lately. I find that a workout will spur my appetite. But yes, the catch 22 is that you burn calories going to the gym.
  • beertrollruss
    beertrollruss Posts: 276 Member
    Look at my diary if you want to see what a net of 2,000 calories looks like. I eat 5-6 times a day.
    Be thankful you're young and I hope you succeed in your goals.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2014
    Katie, not sure how overestimating is really brought up. If anything, I'm betting underestimating

    somuchbetter: hello neighbor! lol Yes, I filled out strength training, but it gave me no calories burned, however the cardio did. As for numbers, the MFP so far has been really close to what the machines have told me, using HRM with values inputted. I try to keep my hands on the HRM handles at all times unless I'm wiping sweat or changing the song. Even so, I usually still come in 200-400 calories short of my goal. Guess I'll see how it works out. Still too soon to really make a judgement on what should be changed and what is or is not working.

    Beer; I know the pain. I used to do it while I was in my early 20s. lol With as much thai food as I have in my fridge, I could probably still net that in 3 meals if I wanted xD edit: hell, i could net that in 1 meal with some spicy pork and rice. lol
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    A hefeweizen never hurt anyone...anytime. Did you put orange slice in it?...b/c, breakfast!

    And scurvy. Must ward off scurvy.
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    edited November 2014
    Only 5 days into my new diet and I've already lost 2lbs. I was set to only lose 2lbs/week, but may look like I might reach 2.5lbs per week. #ecstatic

    edit: Looks like I'm doing something right. (although, I'm hoping its not just a weight fluctuation. Guess I'll see after the end of the 2nd week)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    As a male you should be eating a lot more food...
  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    Hey, take that up with MFP. lol
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    What is your weight loss goal set on 5lbs a week? No way you should be eating 1200 calories a day, even if you weren't adding in your exercise.
  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    Hey, take that up with MFP. lol

    So you set it at 2 lbs per week loss ... for a 1000 calorie per day deficit built in.

    What is your current weight, height, and goal weight?

  • seththealmighty
    seththealmighty Posts: 51 Member
    It's set on 2lbs per week.

    At my age, weight, and sedentary lifestyle, it gave me a limit of a 1250 calories.

    28 yrs old
    Want to lose 25lbs at 2lbs/week
    Sit on my *kitten* for lifestyle.

    After my workouts, I usually get to eat around 1900-2000 calories per day
  • gmallan
    gmallan Posts: 2,099 Member
    To answer some of the questions: I'm used to only eating one meal a day. Always was too lazy and didn't care to eat breakfast or lunch. So going to multiple meals is a huge change for me.

    It is 1220 net calories, which means after my workout. So total if I just do cardio, I need to eat right below 2,000 calories. If I do weights on the same day, then possibly upward to 3,000 calories..........although I just started and only did an hour of cardio at 188bpm average today.

    I do eat a lot of low calorie food such as tuna, egg whites, rotisserie chicken. Hell, I had to add wheat beer to my breakfast just for some more calories :lol:

    To the guy that said don't eat after 10. It is 9:45 and I am hurrying to eat my dinner and shove it down my face then xD

    A few things:

    Unless you're lifting weights intensly for hours at a time there's no way you'd burn 1000 cals.

    1200 net is too low for anyone who isn't a short, inactive, female, who's pretty close to goal weight.

    If you're having trouble eating enough then don't eat low cal/low fat foods. Add some healthy fats by eating the egg yolk, avocado, nuts, olive/coconut oil, dark chocolate, cheese. Drink your calories if neccessary. You CAN eat the calories you're choosing not to.

    Intermittent fasting is okay but if you're having trouble getting your cals in it probably isn't the right approach for you. Try eating your meals more spaced out and you might find it easier.

    There's really no magical cut off point in time that you shouldn't eat past provided that you feel okay afterwards and it doesn't interrupt your sleep