Feel off the wagon and looking for new friends to help me get refocused!!

Im not new here, but a few months ago I stopped logging on. I thought that I was strong enough to be in maintenance mode...clearly I was not. I need some new friends that will hopefully motivate me to finally reach my end goal!!

here are my current stats:
Starting weight 186
Current weight 155
goal weight 130
Age 32
height 5'2"

Thanks everyone!!


  • Gunzforu
    Gunzforu Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me Petra!! I have been using this for 35 days and had no idea you could add friends till 2 days ago....
  • lsamllr7
    lsamllr7 Posts: 12 Member
    Petra feel free to add me. I had dropped off also but unfortunately gained the weight back. I need the support and would love to support you.
  • kelly39014
    kelly39014 Posts: 38 Member
    Add me I fell off the wagon a few days ago
  • valerie58
    valerie58 Posts: 149 Member
    this is my second time to. add me
  • monica_reinert
    monica_reinert Posts: 99 Member
    feel free to add me to. I slipped over the summer and I am try to get back on track!