(Newly started) why did you start? your journey



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    I started after a friend started having success with Weight Watchers (the program I started with). For me, it was a whim. I knew I could stand to lose a few pounds but I really liked the way I looked, and never noticed anything physically limiting. I was at the highest weight within the "normal" weight range though, so that's probably why.

    I never felt strongly about losing weight. It worked really well for about 3 months. And then I lost my discipline/drive and am struggling to get it back. I feel that it's because I don't really have a reason to lose weight. I never did. Other peoples reasons don't cut it for me if I try to think about it as a reason for myself. I dunno. I suppose I'll just keep trying to figure it out.
  • StacieLea93
    DawnieB1977 well done & I was thinking about doing the same I want to get to a healthy weight before I try for my 2nd baby & was going also track my weight through out so I have some sort of control you will manage you done great so far
    shortntall well done hun you taken the right path and decided to change you life I love my 600lb life always used to watch it
    verykaty well done hunxx
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
    Because I felt that I looked fat in my wedding pictures. Now, it didn't make a difference to my husband (i have it on good authority that his jaw dropped when he first saw me in my dress!), but it mattered to me. I don't want to be a skinny stick figure, but I do want to be within what my doctor says is normal weight range for me and feel comfortable in a size 12 again.
  • shadowloss
    shadowloss Posts: 293 Member
    I started because it was the only thing that I had "direct" control over and everything else was spinning out of control.

    Started a business in 2012 - Struggling to make it successful.
    2012 Started a new job, 2013 Started another new job.
    Family life struggling.
    Weight exploding.

    I felt the only thing that I had any direct control over was my weight and I somehow had to get control of my life before other drastic measures were considered. I had to put my focus on something positive, I couldn't just roll up in the fetal position and let my life continue to circle the drain.

    I've been logging for over 100 days, and made some progress. I keep focused on my fitness goals, and as I progress, some of the other stressors in my life are starting to get the benefit of what I'm doing. Family life is getting much better, I'm able to deal with the stress at work now that I'm a little more confident. The business is still struggling, but because I have other areas I can focus, it is not all consuming.

    Sometimes you just need to find, what you can control, and let life take care of the rest.
  • shortntall1
    shortntall1 Posts: 333 Member
    Thank you, Stacie!!!
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    I started because I was fed up spending hours in the gym and getting nowhere. My PT told me to sign up here so he could track what I was eating while changing my training. My weight loss was never the main goal but has been a happy side effect.
  • mlrtri
    mlrtri Posts: 425 Member
    What kick started me getting serious about weight loss this time? When I realized that I never wanted to be in pictures WITH my kids. When I realized that I don't feel comfortable in my clothes/skin. When I realized that I started to get bitter towards skinny girls (I have NEVER been that way, not proud of that one). When I realized that I was setting a poor example for my kids. When all of those realizations came to light at about the same time I decided it wasn't time to just wish I would lose weight, or talk about losing weight. It was time that I took control and made it happen.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I realized that I didn't want to end up like my parents have. My dad was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes at the age of 42, and has major health problems occur, after what should have been a routine surgery four years ago, due to obesity. I've always been the smallest one in the family, but even when I started losing I was closing in on 250 pounds. Preventing a lifetime of health concerns is better than waiting for them to come around. And in turn, it's also helped my secondary goal of feeling more confident about myself, which I hope to continue in 2015.
  • StacieLea93
    thanks everyone read all your messages & all stories & why you want to loose weight us are all doing brilliant some at the very start some in middle and some who have hit their goal theirs so much stuff I relate to with all these messages Its good that we can all support each other on our way to a healthier us I have 100 pounds roughly too loose will see how I feel after loosing 100 then see if want to loose more after add me if u need support
  • rsoice
    rsoice Posts: 212 Member
    I've been on MFP for two years, I'd lost nearly 20 lbs and have found all but one so I'm back. Both of my parents are overweight and I see the health problems it's caused them and I know I don't want that for myself. Until a few years ago I didn't concern myself with my weight because I managed it through vigorous excercise while I was in the Army. However, after retiring I found that my body was no longer happy with the abuse of running so I'm still in search of a replacement. I want to be happy with the person I see in the mirror every day and live a long healthy life.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I didn't start out to lose weight and really could care less about my weight. I had some really bad health markers and I was heading strong and fast down the same path my dad took...the same path which ultimately ended his life at the ripe old age of 61.

    Basically, I have an awesome wife and two little boys who need me to be sticking around for awhile. The path I was on most likely would have left me very ill by the time my boys were in high school...and forget watching them grow into young men and having families of their own...no way I would have made it.

    Fortunately, it wasn't too late for me and I've reversed all of my bad blood work with diet and exercise and I'm off all of my meds except for my hypertension meds...my hypertension seems to be more hereditary than diet and exercise related.

    Fortunately, in the process, I've been reminded of how awesome it is to be strong, healthy, and fit...I used to be a halfway decent athlete, but somehow I lost site of how awesome it is to be awesome...glad I have that back now.
  • ems212
    ems212 Posts: 135 Member
    Why I started:
    A combination of reasons. My fiance was a big one. Right before we got engaged, I realized that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him, but if I didn't start making changes, it wouldn't be a long one. Along with that, I want a family of my own and to be able to see them grow. I also have arthritis in both my knees and hips. Carrying around extra weight is just putting more strain on them than anything.

    Did I have a goal:
    My goal was to lose 90 pounds. I'm down 10, but realizing that weight can't be my only goal. I started walking a lot, and jogging for short periods of time within my walk. Now, I'm challenging myself to be able to run a mile. After that, I'll aim for 2...and then 3.

    Healthy or lifestyle change:
    I did this for both of these reasons. I want to be healthy, and I want to be happy. I wasn't reaching either of those goals living the way that I had been living.
  • fitmama0914
    I started because I got tired of complaining about my jiggle but never doing anything about it. I have never had a flat stomach. Strong legs and arms, yes.. But flabby hips and belly. I'd look at fit chicks and wish I looked like them. Then I saw a motivational pic that said "that body isn't going to build itself", and it clicked. And I like a challenge, so I set out to prove there is a fit chick in me. I'm going to see her before I get old.
  • Local_Atlantis
    Local_Atlantis Posts: 262 Member
    For me, it was a sense of shame that started me on my journey. I had just come back from a year of backpacking, where I was active every day and (by the end) couldn’t afford to eat properly, so I was making do with rations!
    I came home to my parents’ house, which was equipped with a fully stocked fridge and a Sky subscription for me to catch up with a year of TV that I’d missed! Game of Thrones, Supernatural and more…

    During my first two months back home, I was unemployed and looking for work. In between applying for jobs, I would eat and sit on the sofa and watch TV. I hardly left the house because the home comforts were so amazing after living rough for nearly a year! During those first 2 months, I got a job and lost all of my energy for physical activity. I’d go to work, and eat biscuits and drink tea at my desk all day.

    One fateful day – the day that started me on my journey – I realised, as I was getting ready for work that I’d accidently put the only bra that fit me in the wash. I tried, without success, a bunch of bras to try and find one that didn’t slice me in two. The only bra that fitted me was my neon pink sports bra. It was not padded and was clearly visible through my work shirt. I was mortified all day! That night, I got on the scales and realised that in two short months, I had gained over 20lb. On a 5’4” frame, this was not good, and it sent me into the “obese” BMI category.

    I am 6 weeks into my new life and 10lb lighter (maybe more – no-scale-November challenge) and now I have a few bras to choose from. :smile: In another few months, I’ll need to get a whole new collection!
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    To be able to ride any roller coaster with my son. Twice i had to do the walk of shame because i could not fit. Also to fly without the need for an extension to a seat belt.
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    I started in March this year. I have lost 43lbs so far. 12 more to go to my goal. It's been a lot slower than I wanted but I am absolutely thrilled to still be here and moving in the right direction.
  • MrsGLP
    MrsGLP Posts: 4 Member
    I decided to lose weight because I didn't like how I felt. My knees hurt, my back hurt, and I was tired all the time. I never wanted to go anywhere because I was so self-conscious about my appearance, and I never allowed my picture to be taken. But my baby boy is getting married in December and I wanted to be able to dance with him at his wedding and enjoy this big event in his life.

    So my daughter, who is a faithful MFP follower, told me to try it and I have lost 4 pounds so far. I know it's not a lot, but it's a start.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I want to look good in my wedding dress and feel comfortable in my body. My wedding is October 3, 2015 and I want to lose about 60 pounds before then. I've lost about 40 already this year.
  • kristimason3
    kristimason3 Posts: 131 Member
    Well, when I was little I wanted to be Shera Princess of power, then as I got older the GLOW wrestlers, then Xena warrior princess, now that chick with the sword from The Walking Dead. Instead I became a mommy of two and massage therapist with a muffin top! WTH?! I married a guy who has never lost his six pack despite never dieting or working out and who is constantly preparing for some sort of apocalyptic event. He spends his days collecting weapons and building strange contraptions when he's not working. Meanwhile, I was spending my time eating oreos on the couch. So, while I do think he's kind of batshit crazy, at the same time I started thinking what if that did actually happen? He'd be all up in my face saving the world and I wouldn't even be a formidable side kick! And why should he get all the glory? He hasn't given birth to human beings or endured severe trauma for various reasons. Screw that. He should be MY sidekick. Plus if I have to make clothes out of leaves and sticks someday I would prefer not having to spend 3 days doing so.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    1971MLJ wrote: »
    I started because I was fed up spending hours in the gym and getting nowhere. My PT told me to sign up here so he could track what I was eating while changing my training. My weight loss was never the main goal but has been a happy side effect.

    Me too! I had been going pretty steady for months. I never expected to lose weight, I had resolved I'd be fat the rest of my life since anything I ever tried never worked...starvation, fad diets, deprivation, exercise. But, I wanted to be in better shape so I wouldn't have to start taking medicine for high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

    Finally saw a personal trainer that asked me to commit to MFP for 2 weeks. The weight starting melting off the first few weeks, after months of holding. It just CLICKED. Yes, I now know what people say when they said it just clicked. I was losing and feeling better and liking the change...ok, LOVING the change.

    I'm ALL IN NOW!