Would love to make some friends to help me lose weight

Hi there

I am close to the heaviest I have every been, bordering on Obese. I would really appreciate some help on getting back on track. I was fit and lean last year this time and I need to get back there for good. I know I am addicted to sugar and I need to get that out of my system. Does anyone have a good solution on how to overcome a sugar addiction?

Many thanks

Kind regards



  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Only way I found was to just stay away from it and the cravings do go. Add my if you like. I need to keep a bit of an eye on my intake again.
  • xShreddx
    xShreddx Posts: 127 Member
    Stevia has been a good alternative for me. There are a lot of great alternatives and recipes for goodies without sugar. Take the time to research and it'll pay off!