Looking to build a supportive community, any PCOS sisters out there?

Hello! I'm finally taking the first big step to realizing I need to make changes in my lifestyle and health. I was diagnosed with PCOS at the age of 15 and have struggled with the side effects ever since. I've seen many specialists, and have been told simply maintaining weight with PCOS is a huge victory. I'd like to prove those specialists who have told me it's virtually impossible to lose weight having PCOS wrong.

This is my second time around on MFP. In 2010-2012 I lost 50+ pounds. I had a great support system on this site-my MFP community gave me wonderful encouragement and motivation. Unfortunately, I was losing weight by obsessively exercising and eating too few calories. It worked for awhile, but it wasn't sustainable for the long haul. I've since gained all the weight back. Not exercising and turning a blind eye to what I eat. I'm looking to start my weight loss journey over again, and would love to connect with like-minded individuals. Please add me as a friend if you can relate!