Any powerlifters out there?

I'm guessing there's a fat chance of finding you guys, though I know a lot of powerlifters are on MFP tracking to make sure they are fueled for training and making weight classes. If you're out there, I'd be happy to connect on here and share info about dieting, gaining, training, meet prep etc.

I'm competing in my first meet in December, the USAPL American Open in Washington. I'll be in the 132 class this time because that's just how much I weigh. I didn't want to go through the cutting process for my first meet. Then I will likely spend the winter gaining some weight and compete in the 138 class in Canada in 2015. I am far off from being an elite, but it's definitely what I have my sights on!

Feel free to add me if you want some comradery on mfp.

