Samsung Walking Mate and basic Pedometers

Getting everything to sync is great BUT...

For walking, my fitness pal forces you to enter MINUTES and pick walking speed.

How hard would it be to also offer the opportunity to enter STEPS and pick walking speed?

Not all of us have devices that sync with my fitness pal and many of us are using our cell phones and other basic pedometers to track our STEPS.

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to enter total STEPS for the day at the same time you're entering information into your food diary?

Right now, I find that I take my walking speed (2.5 MPH) - convert to steps = 5,000 - then divide 5,000 steps into my total STEPS to get # of hours walked and then multiply # of hours by 60 minutes to get the number of minutes ... so I can NOW enter MINUTES into my fitness pal.

Isn't one of the purposes of a software program to "do the math"?

Yes, my Samsung note 3 records all of my steps on an ongoing basis and gives me averages for the month, etc. I would just like to have all of this combined with my nutrition and weight information in one place AND I'm tired of doing the math.

Anyone else have this reaction?


  • hamoncan
    hamoncan Posts: 148 Member
    I use the same phone and app and really like both for helping me be mindful to keep my activity level up which is mainly through walking - that said I don't entirely trust the calorie burned calcs so I don't add back any calories burned and just let MFP deduct for my preset activity level. I have MFP set for moderately active even though I average 13-14K steps per day, but I don't seem to be burning down to the calorie deficit the program would lead me to believe I am. I would be losing 2 lbs a week easy if if was accurate and I'm pretty much 1 lb per week dead on for weeks I keep my food intake on track.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    hamoncan wrote: »
    I use the same phone and app and really like both for helping me be mindful to keep my activity level up which is mainly through walking - that said I don't entirely trust the calorie burned calcs so I don't add back any calories burned and just let MFP deduct for my preset activity level. I have MFP set for moderately active even though I average 13-14K steps per day, but I don't seem to be burning down to the calorie deficit the program would lead me to believe I am. I would be losing 2 lbs a week easy if if was accurate and I'm pretty much 1 lb per week dead on for weeks I keep my food intake on track.


    MFP already gives you "credit" for some steps. Even sedentary people take steps. I use a FitBit to calculate my activity level. FitBit syncs with MFP. I don't need to do math.

    When I want to count deliberate fast paced walking as exercise (a raised heart rate, a challenging pace) I will wear a heart rate monitor and add the difference.