How to begin (exercising)???



  • mdcoug
    mdcoug Posts: 397 Member
    It totally is about creating the habit. I used to work out in the evenings, and I did OK for a while, but it was so easy to just say I was too tired. Now I work out in the mornings. I make it a point to go to bed at 9:30 (I used to procrastinate on going to bed) and I get up every weekday at 6, to get in my workout before having to get ready for work. This way it's done and I can't put it off in the evenings. Moving my workout to first thing in the morning has really been a game changer for me.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    A) It is the habit, once you do get the momentum going for most people it seems to be easier to keep going.

    B) Find an exercise that you like, that seeing progress in will motivate you with.

    C) Why are you doing it? What are your goals? If those aren't clear it makes it that much harder.

    For me it is weights, heavy progressive free weights. I tried walking/jogging/intervals, dancing, DVD's, WiiFit. It all sucked. I switched to body weight exercises like pushups and squats. I started hitting goals and pushing my limits. And THAT was supremely motivating. It eventually got me into a gym despite my high anxiety about the whole thing and I LOVE it. On trips where I have to stay in hotels, I even plan around which ones have better on site gyms. On the other hand, I work with someone who finds that stair machine incredibly motivating. She gets super excited about every extra minute she can go, every extra speed she can attain.