Baby Steps

I frequently find myself getting discouraged and feeling like its never going to happen. Recently, I mentioned this to one of my friends and she reminded me that we have to take baby steps. That is so true. After her saying that, I took a look at my approach to weightloss. I get caught up in the "big picture." I get so motivated that I want to see results immediately and then b/c of that I get discouraged and the motivation leaves. I know it doesn't happen overnight. I know its not easy. I know its takes a lot of hard work to see results. SO.....instead of trying to do things "perfect" and unrealistically wanting to see results immediately in regards to the weight loss, I am going to "take baby steps." I have already proven to myself in the past that just being AWARE of what you are eating and being AWARE of the excercise you are NOT getting makes a HUGE difference. So maybe instead of trying to be perfectly in my calorie/carb range, I'll focus more on eating grilled chicken instead of say a greasy hamburger or walk around the block instead of chosing not to walk at all b/c "just around the block" isn't good enough. Once I have accomplished that, I will shoot for a higher "expectation" of myself until I become good at "doing it right." My point is, maybe I won't master eating perfectly healthy and exercising like I should all in one day or one week or whatever, but as long as I work on "improving" the eating habits and the exercise or lack there of, I won't be so overwhelmed by the "big picture."


  • caramel827
    caramel827 Posts: 163 Member
    I can really identify with your post-I too get caught up with wanting quick results. I get frustrated with losing one pound because I think it needs to be 12 like on the biggest loser-but like your post said it is the big picture that matters and one pound is one fantastic pound! In the long run the approach you mentioned will sustain you. I have gained and lost weight at least three times in my life and I am so trying to make sure this time around it is a lifetime change not a quick fix! For example, tonight I had five hot wings and I feel soooo guilty but yet I exercised today and it is within my calories so why feel guilty? I know I realistically won't stop eating them for life-it is the BIG Picture that matters.

    Good luck to you! :)
  • Precious_Nissa
    Its funny you post this because I've been dealing with the same issue....I work out, eat under calories, work out, eat under calories and then weigh...when i dont see what i want i get completely discouraged and then I want to give up...My aunt reminded me that eating better should be something to look at instead of worrying about losing weight....I have to make a lifestyle change so that its permanent and I cant do that while worrying over the bigger picture.....
  • blockeramanda
    blockeramanda Posts: 68 Member
    The old sayin "You have to crawl before you can walk' and before that you have to work at sitting up in order to crawl.

    everyone is going to have good days and bad days, but just know that you are 100% not alone in this fight and you are better off than most because are couregous enough to get on here and try to lose your weight. We can talk all day about what we are doing and how what we are doing works for us, but you have to figure out what works for you...but we will be here to encourage you in whatever you want to do.

    it's going to be hard, but you know that before you signed up on this site and even more now that you are working toward your goal, but giving up is the worst thing you can do...try and get through the tough, rough, hard days because there will be good/glorious/ wonderful days in there too.

    You can do it all you have to do is TRY and stick with it!
  • lutzsher
    lutzsher Posts: 1,153 Member
    Everyone is different but it usually takes about 3 weeks for you to develop a "habit". Keeping that in mind if you make the commitment to do some physical activity for at least 30 minuest every day it should be easier after 3 weeks to continue your new habit. Know that you will have to really push yourself to do it some days is completely expected before embarking on the journey. Im on about week 8 now from the day i got fed up and decided to make this commitment to myself. It is much easier now to justify lacing up those running shoes on days im tired, because the only person Im cheating is ME.
    I also found the added bonus that as soon as I made this a part of every day I started to want to eat better, and became much more dedicated to logging into MFP on a consistent basis to keep myself on track.