not new here....

Hello all.
I'm not new to mfp. But I'm new to posting. I was on here last year and never spoke up. And lost about 35 lbs. After I started having gallbladder problems last fall I fell off the wagon and gained back 25 lbs. So now here I an one less gallbladder and one year later really wishing I was where I left off last year. My goal is to get in better shape and lose about 50 lbs.


  • moogplayer
    moogplayer Posts: 542 Member
    welcome back - best to you!
  • macrosfordahoes
    macrosfordahoes Posts: 1 Member
    Recently started again aswell, lets lokk at it as a fresh start
  • HerMindsEye77

    So glad you're back. The great thing is: no matter what's happened to this point, you can create the rest of your life starting today. You've made a great choice, just being on MFP. Now that you're posting, you'll increase your support circle & that'll help you all the more.

    You already know you can do it, so now it's just a matter of being patient & gettin' it done. You've got this!
