Calling the UK, let's do this!

Hey, I'm Dan and I'm 22 years old.
I've never really had direction in life, I was always the kid who put effort into everything when I was younger and then when I left high school I lost it, I virtually did nothing. My days were spent sat around playing games, smoking, drinking and eating crap and bottom line, living an unhealthy life.

I have taken up fitness as a hobby and have managed a 10 stone weight loss since November 2011. I want to be in the best physical state of my life for a number of reasons but most importantly for my benefit. I want my body to represent the hard work I've put in and I want to be in the situation where I feel good about myself, it has and will continue to be a long journey but I am willing to put my everything into it. I've always loved helping people and getting results with people who don't feel like they can do the job at hand. I love giving them at confidence and seeing their face when they do something they never thought they could do is the most rewarding feeling in the world.

I'm looking for some friends who are active, like to talk, discuss on posts, log daily and make this a fun expierence! If you ever need anything, motivation, to rant or just to talk I'm here!

Let's do this!!
