27 girl, coming back on MFP

Hi everybody

I'm 27, French girl, living in Paris.

I have always counted my calories, most of the time just in my mind, now looking to get motivation with you! I love running, and i lost a bit of my motivation for sport recently, although i ran a hal marathon a few weeks ago. So it is time to be back on track. Speaking about tracks, i've been tracking my food for a week on my fitnesspal, and already feeling better :)

No scale at home, so no weigh goal, more a jeans goal : looking forward bein able to wear the jeans i love again !

I'm happy to talk with people from everywhere, i used to live abroad and like having international friends!

I am a daily logger and would be glad to be part of the community !

Feel free to add me, we'll follow the path to healthy and happy life together :)

Hope you all had a great day
