50lbs in 7 months- realistic? -healthy?



  • Doing_me
    Doing_me Posts: 91 Member
    I am not doing the detox in lieu of a fad diet but more to improve my skin and regulate my eating habits and cravings from sugar and fat (not the healthy type) to start a better nutrition and life style. The weight loss is merely a nice side effect. Moreover I am expecting for some of the weight to be gained back due to water retention etc after the detox phase.

    I was actually going for 1200 cals per day. That's what I used to work with last time. Is that not enough?

    Thank you again for all the wishes and advice.
  • SLHysell
    SLHysell Posts: 247 Member
    edited November 2014
    I've done 35 in three months without starving myself, so I think it can be done. You just have to be very careful and diligent. And lots of exercise helps too as a means of preserving muscle.

    EDIT: I just counted and I was wrong. It was closer to four months.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    You still haven't posted your starting weight. As everyone said, that is really the determining factor on how "realistic" 50lbs in 7 weeks is.

    A detox is a fad. If you want long lasting nice skin just start eating un-processed junk. If you want to stop having sugar cravings, stop eating processed foods with large amounts of sugar in them. A detox is a quick fix. 95% of the people I know who have done them go right back to their old habits. There is no need to shock your body for quick results. Same thing for the weight loss. Just start building healthy habits: logging your food, moving around more, getting enough sleep, eating healthier, etc. From the people I know and my own experience, that is the best way for long term weight loss success.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    When I had a starting weight of 195 like 4 years ago, I lost the weight within 6 months. Dropped down to ~145. But I also didn't like my body composition half of the time. I liked being smaller, yes, but I was skinny fat.
  • mollymcdonald0
    mollymcdonald0 Posts: 30 Member
    I lost 55 pounds in 7 months- totally achievable :)
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    I agree on skipping the detox. I can be satisfied on 1200/day, but I'm smaller than you and it takes me A LOT of effort and attention to get all the nutrients (esp fiber and protein) I need to be satisfied at that level ("satisfied" at 1200 for me includes going to bed hungry). Many people sustain 1200/day successfully, but many others are at binge-risk because it just isn't enough. Think hard about what is sustainable FOR YOU for 40 weeks, and really, beyond. Most of what you do to reduce is the key to maintaining also. Congrats on your engagement!
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Try keto.

    (No, seriously.)
  • TheRealNoodlette
    TheRealNoodlette Posts: 132 Member
    I've lost 60 pounds since March so it's do-able. I have a few more pounds to go until I'm at a "normal" BMI and this part is going slower - I lost quickly in the beginning. Good luck to you and congratulations!
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    Not easy, but possible. You will have to be super dedicated though. As you approach your goal things slow down a lot, as everyone says.
  • Lisajohnston
    Lisajohnston Posts: 79 Member
    Congratulations on your engagement, I am in the same boat but I am hoping to lose 30-40 in about 10 months. I am going to choose a dress that I like on my current body and ensure it can be altered if I am successful. I think 50 is a ambitious goal and you will have to work very hard to achieve it but it might be doable.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited November 2014
    Doing_me wrote: »
    First of all thank you for all your comments and advice! So I am (as of this morning) starting at 83.6kg or 184lbs. As per my BMI calculation, a healthy range would be between 55- 75kg or 121- 165lbs which is quite a range! I am not too crazy about it being exactly 50lbs but I would like to get into the area just to see what I would look like. I was 165lbs/ 75kg about 2 years ago when I ditched MFP and felt good but not at my best if you know what I mean.

    To the comments about my fiance, yes of course he loves me and while I do wanna look my best for him- this one is for me! I just want to look amazing on that day through my eyes.

    Again, thank you for the advice and feel free to add me for mutual support!


    Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!

    At 184 pounds now, I'd aim for 30 pounds, especially since you want to give yourself 6 months to make sure your dress fits in plenty of time for the wedding. See the chart I posted below. You definitely want to start out trying to lose 1.5 pounds per week, and then lower your deficit as you come closer to your goal. Beware that weight loss is not linear and some weeks you may not lose, other weeks you may seem to drop a lot.

    75+ lbs to lose- 2 lbs per week.
    40 - 75 lbs to lose- 1.5 lbs per week.
    25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs per week
    20-25 lbs and less than 15 lbs left to lose-.5 lbs per week

  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    No need to do a detox to "kick start" anything. Stick with a caloric deficit, and exercise for health.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    I lost 55 pounds in 7 months- totally achievable :)

    According to your account you're trying to lose 100lbs..... 50lbs to you and 50lbs to the OP are completely apples to oranges.
  • wilsoncl6
    wilsoncl6 Posts: 1,280 Member
    All depends on your starting weight and level of dedication. I wouldn't suggest the detox or reducing your caloric intake to 1200. The detox is a waste of time as shown by most studies since the liver and kidneys are the organs that actually cleanse your system. Better results would be had just by eating a diet high in protein, good fats, minerals and fibers to strengthen and support these organs. A daily caloric intake of 1200 is pushing it for most people and would be difficult to sustain over the long haul. Constant hunger and fatigue could be a goal killer and lead to binge days. Set a reasonable deficit for your age, height and weight. Setting your weight loss for 2lbs a week is aggressive but can be manageable if you are dedicated and driven. I would make sure to put in a good amount of gym time (to include a good amount of cardio and strength training) to accentuate the effects and protect your lean muscle mass, which you'll need to continue the fat burn. The initial pounds will drop off quickly and then slow down considerably the closer you are to goal, don't get discouraged.