Maybe a diet plan would

Maybe I should follow a certain laid out diet plan. What I am doing now doesn't lead me to doing it consistent as the things I make become boring. Bunch of grilled chicken , brown rice, egg whites in the AM. Maybe like Paleo diet or something else on here? I'm a 30 year old male 5'10 260lbs. I rarely drank alcohol over the last year but completely eliminated it about 45 days ago. I quit smoking a month ago & I started going to the gym a week ago. I do feel 100x better but my eating is not better. I will eat good all day for half of the week but then in the middle of the night I will go to the fridge and eat like 2 different times and its always crap that my roommate brings home. I'm good at following plans/directions. Maybe someone can shoot me a plan they follow, that works for them, maybe I should go see a nutritionist? I'm headed to the gym now, hope there are a ton of replies when I get back home. Have a great day everyone.


  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    If you want boring, by all means, get on a diet plan. Eat what you like, hit your macros, and maintain a calorie deficit. Diet plans complicate things and always have failure looming over them. I've got no plan to shoot, but I have an open diary and eat upwards of 2500cals/day.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    If you want boring, by all means, get on a diet plan. Eat what you like, hit your macros, and maintain a calorie deficit. Diet plans complicate things and always have failure looming over them. I've got no plan to shoot, but I have an open diary and eat upwards of 2500cals/day.

    Perfect advice, you can do this!!
  • pinklark
    pinklark Posts: 49 Member
    Feel free to check out my diary for some ideas - I make a big batch of oatmeal banana pancakes each week which are filling and healthy. My husband puts some peanut butter on them for some added calories. Happy to share the recipe if you'd like.

    I tend to lean towards more of a paleo diet for medical reasons and have found some really good recipes online. Why not try dedicating one day (or just a few hours) during the weekend to preparing some yummy, filling and healthy food for the week? I've found that doing this helps to keep me from getting bored with food. Hope this helps!
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    If you want to follow a plan, go for it. If you choose a healthy one (like south beach) it can be a great way to learn to incorporate more healthy foods. And then you can move on to incorporating those foods into your own way of eating. I used mediterranean and south beach to learn how to eat better. Worked great!
    There's probably a group for many of the healthy formal diets on here.

    good luck!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    I think that following a diet plan can help with inspiration and trying new things. What kind of "philosophy" currently interests you? What intrigues you about the paleo diet?

    The answers to these kind of questions will help you search for, and find, relevant diets and recipes.
  • TannerBoyl
    TannerBoyl Posts: 55 Member
    I don't know if this will help you, but it helped me stay sane. I made sure to have one day out of the week where I would eat and drink anything that I wanted. For me, it was Saturday. Having a scheduled day allowed me the release that I needed.

    I found that it became easier to say no to calorie dense foods in the middle of the week when I just had to wait a few days until Saturday arrived. On that Saturday, I would consume as much of anything that I wanted. It was just what I needed to pull me through the rest of the week.

    What I learned is that my body retains water for up to four days after my free day. By my Wednesday weigh-in, I was back to my Saturday morning weight. That gave me four days to make progress before my next free day.

    This worked for me for a while. I hit a plateau around 25lbs lost. I gave up and ate horribly for a month. What I found was that I gained some weight back, but not all of it. Now I'm back, but without the free day. Now I will allow myself a free-meal now and then.
  • KylaDenay
    KylaDenay Posts: 1,585 Member
    If you want to try other options then do so. Its your body, your mind and your choice. Eat what you want and do not eat what you don't want. Maintain a calorie deficit and you will be great.

    What works for others may not work for you.
  • court_fritch26
    court_fritch26 Posts: 297 Member
    The only diet plan I follow is what I set out at the beginning of the week. I get to eat what sounds good, but I like the structure of having meals mapped out and knowing what I need to prep and the calories I have for snacks each day…and it makes grocery shopping easier!
  • libbydoodle11
    libbydoodle11 Posts: 1,351 Member
    If you are binging on whatever you current plan is then perhaps you are not eating enough?

    How will a diet plan help you to stay on track?

    Try including a wider variety in your diet. You can still include your brown rice, veggies along with a planned treat here and there.
  • GeauxWill
    GeauxWill Posts: 6 Member
    Your post reminds me exactly of myself. I am trying to battle my "all or nothing" mentality that I have. It sounds like you are the same way. I go from not exercising, eating an incredible amount of unhealthy food, not tracking anything, and having a beer or two a day, to wanting to go to the gym every day, eating completely clean while tracking every bite that goes in my mouth and giving up alchohol. It is too much to put on myself and sustain.

    It sounds like you are going through the same thing. You quit drinking, quit smoking, cut your diet, and are trying to exercise all at once. That sounds like a lot to handle at once.

    I am trying to learn to ease myself into this new lifestyle instead of jumping head first into it. I am tracking my food Monday through Friday, but I don't on Saturday and Sunday. I still make healthier choices on these two days and really watch my portion size, but to me, getting away from the monotony of counting every calorie for two days really seems to help me.

    I am also resisting the urge I have to go to the gym 6 days a week and over train. I know that will burn myself out. I am shooting for 4 times a week right now. Two days doing NROL break in program and two days doing some sort of cardio.

    Hopefully this helps, don't be so hard on yourself. If you binged last night, just get up this morning and try something different to eliminate it tonight. Maybe you aren't getting enough calories late in the day? Maybe these cravings are associated with stopping smoking? Just find what works for you. You are going to get just as bored with a diet program as you will with your grilled chicken etc.