HELP - Need a book with recipes, grocery lists, meal plans, and workouts?!



  • thcguy123
    I want to thank all of you who gave me great recommendations.....I appreciate it. I have already put a lot of into place - got one book I think is really cool and used one of the meal planning sites someone recommended - woo hoo. On our way to store tonight to get all these yummy and healthy foods. It means a lot for people to take their time to share their experience and not get all butt hurt that someone is asking for advice rather than hunting to find it themselves.

    Sorry others feel they are having to spoon feed me. I get my info from message boards exclusively so that the answers I get are tried and tested already. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I do not get info from google and for good reason - the responses there are typically someone trying to get you to "buy" their answers, product, newletter, magazine, workout plan, diet plan, etc. There is also way more to sort through. If you don't want to share the info you took time to learn - don't - that is fine. Some people enjoy sharing their knowledge.

    It's worked out great so far for everything I do in life. Just took a two week trip to mexico based 100% on message board replies and it was the best trip we've been on to date. Google works for you - great. Not for me.
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,953 Member
    edited November 2014
    You might have better luck with 2 books. Something to cover fitness and another to cover diet (with recipes!). I think.. if you found a book with a fitness routine (e.g. You Are Your Own Gym) and paired that with a "healthy cooking" recipe book which breaks it down by meal instead of meat type, that would work. Not sure about that book though. might have that. If I ever come across something I'll try to remember to let you know. Actually, maybe the 5:2 recipe book? It would have calorie breakdowns. Just ratio it up/down if you need more or less calories.

    I find my biggest struggle with recipe books is that I don't stock my pantry the same way so I don't have what they would consider the basics.
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    sjaplo wrote: »
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    sjaplo - just another example of posts that aren't necessary. If it doesn't have to do with a book suggestion then I don't need it on this post. Thanks though.

    And google sucks - it has way too many options. You look up diet books and find 10,000 options. What I want is a good one that people here have experience with and that they liked. Not just a million random suggestions from google.

    And why should anyone? - based on your posting history you'll just answer with; oh I can't do that, that's too expensive, that's too difficult or some other such excuse. (As you just did - google sucks huh? Amazon too I bet - oh wait that costs money. And you can't use the library, how convenient.)

    I'm all for guidance and advice - the problem here is you don't really want it, you just want an excuse to shoot down ideas or suggestions.

    Got news for you kid - it's a free internet - you have no control over what I post, just as I have no control over what vapid requests you throw out there.

    My diary is open - feel free to nose around for ideas - but no one here should spoon feed you anything. Read, learn, experience and learn some more. Part of living is learning and one does that best through experience. Find out what works and what doesn't work for you.

    Stop waiting for the magic pill.

    Here's the thing...the OP kinda wants all this spoon fed to him and is too lazy to do the legwork the rest of us had to do to figure it all out.

    Losing weight takes works, motivation and time. If you're too lazy and make up excuses now, you'll never be able to keep it up in the long run

    You couldn't possibly know that. He wants recommendations from others so he comes to a forum and asks. Ooohh, someone call the authorities.

    He doesn't just ask, he has an excuse for not doing whatever is suggested...not just here, but all over the forums. He wants a food plan, exercise routine, and grocery shopping list all laid out for him so he doesn't have to think about it. Sorry, but he's going to have to do some of the work himself.

    What is wrong with that? Many people do well on a structured system. Yes, he will have to follow the plan. Has he said he would not?
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    I'm just shocked no Beachbody coaches have stumbled on this thread yet...
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I'm just shocked no Beachbody coaches have stumbled on this thread yet...

    They're probably sending him PM's.....
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    I'm just shocked no Beachbody coaches have stumbled on this thread yet...

    They're probably sending him PM's.....


  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    _Terrapin_ wrote: »

    Whew, that was hard! Good thing I have an advanced degree or two!

    Actually, I just realized this book only has meal plans, not workout routines, grocery lists, etc. I'm afraid you may have to actually do some of the work yourself. Sorry.

    I like you.

    because i'm all smart an' *kitten*?

    Nailed it!!

  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    OP(thcguy123) a great book is about Habits(forgot the whole title) by Charles Duhigg. No recipes, no fitness regime, but an excellent source to change how, what, why, etc. with respect to habits.
  • sjaplo
    sjaplo Posts: 974 Member
    See and here's the thing - if he had the personality to strictly adhere to someone else's program, he'd already be doing it. What he needs to do is look himself in the mirror and make decision to change his behaviour - start with one thing, if that works add another, if that works add another. Poke around the forums - see what other people are doing - try a little of this and a little of that.

    Ambition is a fine thing - but reality is a great tempering mechanism.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Sorry others feel they are having to spoon feed me.
    Unfortunately, that is what your entire thread is about.
  • fitforlife7915
    fitforlife7915 Posts: 20
    edited November 2014
    Some people can be really persistent with their nagging, haha no offence ;)

    First figure out how many calories you need for your body (I thing they have a think on here that can add it up)
    Definitely cutting half of what you usually won't help considering how unhealthy they are. For me 1 spent one day eating healthy stuff like oatmeal, fruit and veggies (raw and cooked,) lean meat.. ect. At the end of the day after recording what I ate, how much of it I ate and how many calories, I would subtract it from how much calories I eat in that day from how many calories my body needs (or my designed calorie intake.) I used that trick to organize myself into eating healthy and understanding how much of healthy foods I could eat.

    I also used pinterest for looking up recipes, meal plans and grocery lists :)
    Hope it helps
  • pattyjoshockley
    pattyjoshockley Posts: 53 Member
    I found "The Beck Diet Solution" a very helpful book.
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    I don't have a book suggestion sorry! But this is how I started out, by coming here. MFP helped me to figure out how many calories I should be eating (1200 before exercise - if I was a guy it would probably be closer to 1500) and my friends told me I should be drinking a lot more water (i.e. 2 litres... and no soda or juice!). Finally I bought an UP24 - a fancy pedometer - that helps me monitor my 'exercise' calories.

    A calorie deficit is all you need to lose weight (burn more than you eat). In order to do that I have smaller meals / portions - and I weigh everything so it's all accurately recorded on MFP. I love the 'macros' that MFP tracks because that allows me to see when I'm not making the healthiest choices e.g. if I have a day that's all carbs and no protein. As a quick side note your metabolism is linked to muscle mass (how much exercise you do etc) not to the food you eat.

    I like weetabix + fruit, or yoghurt + fruit, or porridge + fruit for breakfast - which comes in between 200-300 calories. I usually have a small lunch, an afternoon snack and a slightly bigger dinner. When I started I had no idea how many grapes I could have, or blueberries, for 50 calories - this is all stuff I either googled or found out on MFP. Because I had so little knowledge of portions etc I used to have quorn/weight watchers/lean cuisine frozen ready meals for dinner most nights. It might not have been the 'healthiest' choice but it kept my portions + calories in check (calories written on the side of the box!) and I lost weight. You don't have to 'eat healthy' to lose. That one's a myth.

    You don't need to know everything to start dieting - just know your calorie goal and find some well informed friends on MFP. You'll pick up a lot as you go along! Just remember: losing weight is 80% diet and only 20% exercise. Get the diet right first and the rest should follow. Exercise can be as simple as a walk around the park and I have 1 MFP friend who's lost 100lb without exercising once!
  • kendalslimmer
    kendalslimmer Posts: 579 Member
    Darn, just realised the OP has deactivated their account. :neutral_face: Not sure that says much in favour of the MFP forums.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Darn, just realised the OP has deactivated their account. :neutral_face: Not sure that says much in favour of the MFP forums.

    I think it says a lot more about the OP.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    Darn, just realised the OP has deactivated their account. :neutral_face: Not sure that says much in favour of the MFP forums.

    I think it says a lot more about the OP.

    He was looking for excuses to not be successful, which is why he was asking everyone else to do the work for him.

    Can't say I'm surprised.
  • AliceDark
    AliceDark Posts: 3,886 Member
    thcguy123 wrote: »
    Sorry others feel they are having to spoon feed me. I get my info from message boards exclusively so that the answers I get are tried and tested already. I don't think there is anything wrong with that. I do not get info from google and for good reason - the responses there are typically someone trying to get you to "buy" their answers, product, newletter, magazine, workout plan, diet plan, etc. There is also way more to sort through. If you don't want to share the info you took time to learn - don't - that is fine. Some people enjoy sharing their knowledge.
    See, a lot of people earlier in this thread WERE sharing their knowledge. You didn't want to hear their advice -- that they don't follow diet plans or books, and they eat whatever they like within their calorie limits. Most people on MFP don't follow any specific structured diet (at least, most of the people who are active on the forums don't). You're walking into a community and asking for advice on something most people here don't use, and then getting mad when you don't get the answers you want.