Kinda-Sorta New

I have been on this site before (recently, as a matter of fact-until my profile went wacky and stopped functioning).

At some point in the new year, I'd like to get back into shape. Like...good shape, like I was back when I was working out and powerlifting.

It's not really set in stone, however. This year, in addition to expanding my garden and hatching chicks from my chickens for the very first time, i:

Started growing my livestocks' feed.
Got rabbits.
Started raising ducks.
Got started with both dairy and meat goats.
Learned to butcher chickens for the first time.

So needless to say, I've been busy.

On the negative side,
I euthanized my horse of 17 years.
I lost two rescued baby goats-a week apart.
Several of my cats have either gotten ill, or passed away.
My dog had a tumor removed from her throat.
My husband lost his job, got a new one, and we are re-adjusting living on minimum wage from $30/hour.

Case in point-we live as self-sufficiently as possible, and this usually means no excess time to workout. Right now, as I type, I have chicken stock going so I can make soup to can, and plan on freezing the rest. I also have potato soup cooking to freeze as well,and I plan on having a rabbit ready for dinner tonight. That way, this week I can sew and repair socks, jeans, and sweaters and get some firewood chopped without having to worry about what I can cook in the dark (added to the negative, our oven finally went kaput a few weeks ago and I have been cooking outside or on the stove. Not too bad unless its raining.)

Im hoping I get enough meals pre-made and canned or frozen that by spring I can work out in the "dead zone" when the winter garden is in full swing and doesn't need tending, but before I till to plant the spring garden. Its about a 60-day span of peace. Hopefully my goats don't all kid at exactly the same time, but if I know my girls, they will kid dead center of that 60 day period ;)

Anyway, I enjoy meeting new people and at one point, well before we started farming, had even considered taking up personal training. Id love to make a few friends to swap recipes and workout ideas with :)