Hello - I'm ready for this Journey

Hi, I have struggled off and on most of my adult life with weight. Despite that, I have led a healthy and fairly active life. However, I know time is not on my side and want to take action before my health suffers. About 10 yrs ago, I lost 60 lbs just counting calories (between 1200-1300) and writing in a diary. Then over the last few years 40 of those lbs came back on. I tried WW on line but really don't like the point system so started looking around and found the MFP app. I like its ease of use - this is only my first week but feeling pretty good.

I am looking for some like motivated friends - if you are interested in gaining a new life style friend please add me to your friend list


  • Welcome! I'm new to MFP also so I've added you as a friend.
    All the best on your journey.........you CAN do it! B)