16 Pounds Down...

Hello MFP World:)

I have been on my weight loss journey since May 7, 2013 and so far I have lost 16 pounds. I went from 293 - 277 and I am feeling better about getting on the scale. I have been swimming as my exercise and went from swimming 13 laps to 25 laps to 60 laps (a mile in my pool). I am getting better and I am improving which is great. The problem is, mainly when I am in the shower, I just feel like I am never going to get to my goal weight of 150. I can't see my results yet and it is a little discouraging. I know to take it day by day and it has only been 3 weeks and I am down 16 pounds but I don't feel like I am doing my best. Now that I am sitting here typing this out I feel like I am pouting but I think I need motivation and support from MFP. Ever since I signed up for this and made some friends on here I am feeling more accountable for losing weight than I ever have. I just want to know that I am going to get there. Slowly but surely. I wish I could just close my eyes and see myself in 6 months to see where my body and my mind will be. I want to stop obsessing over the numbers and I want to be the healthy / fit girl I know I can be...

Any words of encouragement or advice are welcome:)


  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    It sounds like you are overwhelming yourself by looking at the big picture. Break your big goal down into smaller ones and focus on those while working your way to your ultimate goal.

    Congrats on getting off to such a great start!

    ETA: Have you taken any pics? I just started that a month ago and I'm hoping it will help me see the progress that I'm making.
  • Shiroi
    Shiroi Posts: 41 Member
    The first few pounds are the hardest. I went from being 283 to 202 in about almost a year (I lost the majority of my weight in the first 4-5 months, but I was lazy the last few so I have been stuck around the same weight.) You will not notice results right away, but you will get there eventually. After the first 20 so pounds people will start noticing your chances, and when you hear the magical phrase of "Have you lost weight?" it keeps you going. You will also notice changes in your energy, attitude, and clothes. Just keep at it! It will pay off. The way I think of it is, time goes by fast, regardless if you are making changes or not. I often think" Where has the year gone?" so as long as you keep at it, when that happens you will have at least done something. :3
  • herblackwings39
    herblackwings39 Posts: 3,930 Member
    What helps me is to NEVER look at the long goal. I'd be a jibbering wreck if I did. I take things 5 lbs at a time. I can lose 5 lbs. It's not scary. It's a manageable number and when I hit it I've accomplished something. I feel good. Then I look at the next 5. I'm 89 lbs in and by only focusing on the short term goals it makes the long term one less frightening and it's getting slowly closer.