Just trying to reach out to help a friend

RavenBeauty87 Posts: 83 Member
I wouldn't normally do this but I'm having a very difficult time raising money for my friend. The last few years of her life have been hell. She lost two babies due to some disorder and still has three young girls she is raising. Her husband is in prison for the next god knows how long so it is all her. She doesn't have much family and I'm trying my best to help her but I currently had some medical hardships with my daughter and was out of work soooo I'm not much help. She works with me and is an amazing person there isn't enough I can say about her. She smiles even in her most hellish days. She helped me through hard time when I was in the hospital with my daughter. I really really hate doing this but if you can give, just $5 or even a $1 it would help so much. I have it at $300 and figured $100 a girl would be great. She is very stubborn and won't ask for help (but I'm the same way) If you can't please share this I would greatly appreciate it! www.gofundme.com/helhaw