Chocolate Cravings....ALWAYS



  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    I "treat" myself to a couple of squares of high quality dark chocolate most days, too. I used to not be able to open a chocolate bar without devouring the whole thing in one go. But this time, something clicked for me and suddenly it's easy for me to eat it a bit at a time.

    It also means I can afford to splurge on the really fancy chocolate, since I'm eating it so slowly. I go to my local high end chocolate boutique and buy a new kind to try every couple of weeks, and I have no qualms over spending $10 or more on a chocolate bar since it's going to last me 2-3 weeks and I'll enjoy every bite. The anticipation of trying something new makes it even more fun.
  • sophomorelove
    sophomorelove Posts: 193 Member
    It's good to know that there are other chocolate addicts out there. Although even thinking of dark chocolate makes me sad. I hate it. It's bitter and still makes me feel guilty for eating it, so definitely not for me. I have lost and gained weight too many times to count and I feel like nothing workss long term. For now I'm just trying to be more sensible and so to speak "eat my wheaties" before dessert. I noticed that after a well balanced meal I still crave milk chocolate but not to the point that I eat the entire bar/box. Also, it gives me more motivation to workout.
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    If you can decouple the chocolate craving from the sugar craving by choosing relatively low-sugar chocolate, that is the best way to go. Dark chocolate like 85% is super satisfying, has the beneficial flavinoids, etc. Works for me! I realize it's rough though. Sugar addiction is oooof hard to break.