Does anyone know how to log Crossfit for excerise?

BattleBornPride Posts: 2
edited November 2014 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone. I just returned to My Fitness Pal after a long absence. Today I was filling out my log and I wanted to list the Crossfit I did this morning. I did a search and it came up with nothing. I tried just filling it in myself but it just didn't look right. Does anyone have any ideas? Should I try listing each individual thing we did that day? Thank you in advance.


  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    When I didn't have an HRM, I logged it as circuit training.

    Then, I wore my HRM for a year and the average was about 350 calories for the hour. So, that's what I use. I'm 5'4, 32 year old female, 136 pounds.