Just joined

So, I'm not sure who will read this, but I just joined MFP and I'm feeling good about it. I must admit though - I used to have a profile, but didn't use it at all and I've forgotten the password.

About me - I'm 22 years old, 170 lbs and beginning my journey to being 120 lb...at least that's my goal. At the moment I'm skeptical that I will actually reach it, but I've promised myself THIS time is THE time. I WILL lose the weight.

What did other members do when just starting out? I've been walking my parents dogs every day for an hour and have decided I will wake up earlier and do 3 sets of 20 crunches/sit-ups and 3 sets of 20 squats before work and slowly building up the amount of crunches/sit-ups and squats i will do.

Any feed back is appreciated :)


  • abdmps
    abdmps Posts: 48 Member
    Hi Cheyenne,

    It looks like you are off to a good start. How tall are you? I am 5 feet 2 inches and would love to get down to 135. I just have to get motivated with the exercise.

    Good luck. You can do this!

  • Hey - I'm 5'3". I hear you on the motivation...it's hard. But, good luck to you as well!
  • deedie0322
    deedie0322 Posts: 2 Member
    I just joined as well. Previewing the program and plan to start tomorrow. Any suggestions?
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    Welcome everyone. Lots of nice people here. I have been here (really using MFP daily) since April. I love it. It is working for me. I am down 31 pounds.
  • Nikita839
    Nikita839 Posts: 10
    Hi There! :smile: I just joined as well.
  • That's awesome "bluvsu"! Way to go :D

    Well wishes to all that have just started on their journey. I'm confident that if we all stick with it, we'll reach our goals!