Halfway there, but need to get back in the game.

Pillowtlk Posts: 5 Member
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Last August I began at 162 lbs. Not my heaviest, but much too heavy for my 5'3.5" frame. I started extreme low carb and it seemed to work better than anything else I'd tried before. I was on and off for a little over a year and I'm now weighing in around 140 - 138.5 lbs- halfway to my goal of 120!

I want to keep low carbing/ketoing, but I've been slacking lately and have decided that tracking (which I used extensively for the first half of my dieting year) will help. I also want to start watching my calories since I'm almost at the upper part of the normal weight range and know a more strict diet is necessary to keep losing.

I also know I will need to incorporate exercise as well, but for now will just stick with floor routines at home until my schedule frees up in January and I can start hitting the gym for cardio and weights (optimistic maybe, but that's the plan).

I plan on measuring myself tomorrow morning to start tracking again and maybe come out of the holidays on top-- and another few lbs lighter!