Seeing results???



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    A lot depends on how fat you are to start off. It takes longer to see it when there is so much fat because the truth is that if you weigh 300 pounds, 20 doesn't make much difference.

    On the flip side, we sometimes do not see our body as it is. Your brain is trained to see the fat. The differences are small. Since you see yourself every day, it sometimes takes a long time for you to see yourself differently. Other people might notice big changes and you don't see much or anything at all. The brain needs to re-train to see it and that happens faster for some than others.

    When other people see it, just trust them that it's there and wait until you see it. :)
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Yeah, depends entirely on your body composition to start. I was around 215 at the beginning, and people didn't really start noticing until I was about 15-20 pounds in. Almost 40 pounds later, I still have a hard time seeing the difference, but I've dropped from a size 18 to a 12 and I can definitely *feel* the difference. At this point I have to trust my friends and my pants, because I don't think my head is going to tell me the truth.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Besides the scales I take notice of my stats in the gym, how fast, how long , how heavy. I keep my starting scores and its quite pleasing to see I can lift more and move faster.
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    Thanks everyone this is all very helpful! I think this issue has made me stop dieting before because I just gave up when I wasn't seeing results right away - now I have learned to have patience. So, instead of dieting for a few weeks and then falling off, I am hoping to diet the way I have been for now almost two weeks until after Christmas! I'd like to see how much I've lost for the new year.

    I'm 5'5" and currently weight 152.5 (started at 160) last Monday. This is the heaviest I have been - because of college (drinking, drunk pizza with ranch eating at 2 am, no working out, sleeping, working at a place with fried chicken/fries and wraps, etc)- and I am hoping to get to my goal weight of 135.

    I have been doing well (except some slip ups this weekend) and am hoping to do well for a while, given the "cheat" days for the coming Holiday's and hopefully no other cheat days on the weekend - I really want to try and be strict, but it's so hard!!!

  • GrannyCrayCray
    GrannyCrayCray Posts: 71 Member
    In May I was 148 lbs at 5'4" wearing size 12 or 14. With loads of very nice (too small) clothes in my closet. My daughter's wedding was 8 weeks away and my cheapskate self did not want to buy another dress that would be worn once & hang with the others collecting dust.

    SO - started MFP logging EVERYTHING that I ate. Bread and Beer were my calorie thieves. Did not eliminate them, just consumed much less. Also, WALK 20 - 30 minutes 4 nights during the week (on treadmill in basement so my kids can find me if they need me & I can multitask by doing laundry) Mid May I added 40 minutes of strength training on Tues & Thurs with machines at the YMCA and 5lb dumbbells at home. VERY light weight training :)

    Dress for wedding was size 10! Very comfortable, no tight spanx or such shaping garments needed. Could've probably squeezed in to an 8 but why be miserable with a girdle while enjoying the yummy wedding food?

    Now almost 7 months later I am following the same routine with few modifications. INCREASED calories but still careful with bread and very seldom drink alcohol. Walk every week night (no laundry on weekends now :) Wear size 6! Oh, and I'm still 5'4" (ha) and weigh around 120 lbs which seems to be a good wt for me. MFP is a great tool & the online support system is very helpful for my workaholic-too-many-irons-in-the-fire-mom schedule.

    Best thing about my experience (besides not wasting $ on clothes) is that I FEEL WONDERFUL and much HEALTHIER! Best of Luck to you!
  • into_fitness
    into_fitness Posts: 91 Member
    thanks girlfriend!
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    Wow, great job! Yea I feel like it will be a little "unmotivating" if you will to know that I'm losing weight but to not have it noticed. Oh well... as long as I know that I am eating healthy and doing the right things that eventually it will be noticeable, both to myself and others! I just can't wait for that day where someone is like "wow, you look great"!

    Meh, I've lost over 30 pounds and the only people who have commented on it are my mother because she knows what I am doing, one friend who knows what I am doing and my husband. Even my own children don't say anything. I know it's noticeable but no one says anything so don't let that deter you.
  • amberj32
    amberj32 Posts: 663 Member
    labyars wrote: »
    In May I was 148 lbs at 5'4" wearing size 12 or 14.

    Sizes are crazy!!!! I was wearing a size 18 jean from Old Navy in May, 261 pounds, now I'm at 215 pounds and I just bought a pair of size 12 jeans from there and they fit perfect. I'm 5'5".

    OP - I think it depends on how much weight you have to lose, height, body composition, etc. before you or others start to notice changes. I noticed first, my clothes started getting loose. Now at 46 pounds lost others are starting to notice.

  • bennettinfinity
    bennettinfinity Posts: 865 Member
    Ok so I know that obviously every body is different and loses weight differently, but how long TYPICALLY does it take to see results?

    If you work out or don't work out but are still eating super healthy.. do you notice your stomach getting smaller, legs getting smaller, saddle bags disappearing etc after two weeks? three weeks? six weeks?

    I've heard something like two weeks for you to notice, three weeks for friends to notice or something like that. But I would love to hear from people on what they have seen and what they have done to get there!

    Thanks! :smile:

    I think this is why so many people recommend taking initial photos and measurements (arms, legs, chest, waist, etc.) and tracking them as well as your weight. So many people here have reported losing dress / pant sizes without any drop in weight - essentially becoming leaner, not lighter. It's hard to notice the small incremental changes in the mirror over time, but having those starting point data can help you 'see' them.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    edited November 2014
    amberj32 wrote: »
    Sizes are crazy!!!! I was wearing a size 18 jean from Old Navy in May, 261 pounds, now I'm at 215 pounds and I just bought a pair of size 12 jeans from there and they fit perfect. I'm 5'5".

    I am 5'2" and about 170. I just bought a pair of size 10 jeans from Target last night. I am still obese! Granted, I am top heavy but still, that's crazy. I am curious to see what size I wear when I reach a "normal" weight.