To weigh in or to not? That is the question.



  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    Great work!! It's always awesome and motivating to see those kinds of numbers when you weigh in.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Well, I'm late to this tread - I see you did weigh in, so good job! But, two things: 1) take measurements as well; write them down with the date; 2) I was going to suggest you weigh in today, but step on the scale backwards and have someone else log the weight for you; then, whenever you felt comfortable you could see what it was, or you could wait until your next weigh-in. Just a thought...
  • kufahlaatc123
    kufahlaatc123 Posts: 61 Member
    Carlos_421 wrote: »
    Great work!! It's always awesome and motivating to see those kinds of numbers when you weigh in.
    Thanks for the props. Your right is is motivation to see those kinds of numbers. Makes you want to continue.

  • kufahlaatc123
    kufahlaatc123 Posts: 61 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Well, I'm late to this tread - I see you did weigh in, so good job! But, two things: 1) take measurements as well; write them down with the date; 2) I was going to suggest you weigh in today, but step on the scale backwards and have someone else log the weight for you; then, whenever you felt comfortable you could see what it was, or you could wait until your next weigh-in. Just a thought...
    I have a journal going of my measurements also. I know that the scale can't be my only measure for success. This time around I'm looking at the bigger picture. I never gave it much thought of not looking at the number till I was sure I could handle it. I may need to your suggestion of turning around and having someone else record for me in the future. Thanks so much.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    I know a lot of people say you shouldn't weigh in daily because of daily weight fluctuations, but that is exactly why I do weigh in daily. Otherwise, it can be really discouraging if your weigh in day happens to be a heavy water weight day. I think it's helpful to weight daily, at the same time each day (I do it first thing after I get up and use the restroom) and then you can see your trend instead of just one point in time. Yes, I'm a bit of a stats geek, but as any stats geek will tell you, the more data points, the more accurate the information!

    Also, someone on another thread posted a recommendation for a free app that actually shows you your weight loss trend. I just tried it and love it! It's called Libra.

    Good luck!


    The more I weigh in, the less the individual number effects me.

    Absolutely. All this.
  • randee95
    randee95 Posts: 13 Member
    I would weigh in. I like to weight in once every week or two just to make sure I am making progress or at least progressing. :)