5:2 + MFP off to a good start.

kcd1961 Posts: 126 Member
edited November 2014 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all - like most of you, weight has been a constant struggle. I only ever reached my ideal weight in my mid 20's, and that didn't last long. Coming down with ME/CFS at 30 didn't help. I've made some improvement but still function at about 50% capacity. I got from 109kg down to 91 about 10 years ago doing Atkins but could not sustain the lifestyle and eventually crept up to 103. I started using the 5:2 approach and got stuck at 91-92, even after switching to 4:3 - but the good news was I maintained my weight for over a year and it wasn't too hard. A few weeks ago, decided to make another push to see if I could get under 90 - and decided that meant monitoring my normal eating days - and it soon became apparent why I was stuck. So I decided to monitor all days using MFP, and on my non-fast days to go over my recommended allowance, but not by more than any credit gained on the previous fast day. And that meant one day per week of actually adhering to my 1600 calorie limit.

Well - today I am under 90kg for the first time in probably 20 years - so I'm pretty pleased, and thinking maybe I can make it to my goal weight (72kg) - although the next target for me is 83kg.

So I'd be interested to link up with any fellow 5:2 adherents, or people with ME/CFS.

Cheers, and good luck to you all, even though it's not really luck is it :-)