40 lbs. in 2.5 yrs is too drastic! What?!



  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    Yea, I am 5'4" and lost 40 lbs in 6 months. The difference is that I went from 182 to 142. Perhaps it isn't the weight you lost or the time frame, but the fact that you are in the lower end of the healthy BMI that she was/is concerned. I am not suggesting that you have an eating disorder, bc really only you know that. Did you tell her you were continuing the eat 1500ish calories per day? My question really is - did she have all the facts when making these recommendations or was she JUST looking at your goal weight and thinking it was too low?

    PS I do realize that the healthy range for 5'4" is 108-145. I am not saying that 110 is out of range. I am just wondering if she thought your commitment to continue to lose at such a low BMI may have made her question how you were doing it if you didn't give her all the details.
  • Shawshankcan
    Shawshankcan Posts: 900 Member
    Sure it was a doctor who told you this and not some guy in a van outside the hospital?
  • Gwennifer
    Gwennifer Posts: 2 Member
    Losing 40 pounds in 2.5 years is definitely not too drastic! They say that the quickest you should lose weight is 1.5-2 pounds a week.....If you did that for just one year that would be 78-104 lbs.

    If you meant 40 pounds in 2.5 months then that could possibly be too fast. 2.5 months is about 10 weeks x 2 pounds a week would be 20 pounds.

    But usually when someone first starts a diet they will lose 10-15 pounds the first week and then taper off to 1.5-2 pounds a week. I would say if you lost 20 of the 40 in the first 2 weeks and then lost more slowly in the last 8 weeks it is okay.

    Everyones body is different though so you have to know your own body. If you are eating a good amount of calories and exercising and feeling good I think you are fine. If you keep having problems then you need to adjust.
  • ScouseNerd
    ScouseNerd Posts: 119 Member
    I disagree that 40 lbs in 2.5 years is too drastic...but I also believe that was probably not your doctors primary concern. I am not sure what build you are but 110 lbs is definitely on the lower end of a healthy weight for your height and you are already at a perfectly healthy weight and body fat %. If she feels you need to see a psychiatrist and nutritionist then there is obviously a concern more than the time limit and with a risk to your health itself. And not that you are, but if your doc feels that you are too focused or obsessed on getting to this specific weight than she has reason to be concerned as well. Just another view point.

    **EDIT to say that I am not agreeing with her or stating that you may have an eating disorder at all. I don't know you and there are a lot of other things not mentioned that would have to be evaluated to know that. Just trying to think of where your doc might be coming from.

    I kind of agree here. I'm also 5'4" and I'll never be waif-thin since I've had curves since high school, but when I'm at 140 my body is healthy and I fit into very average sizes. Most girls my height sit around 125 (which is the "ideal" weight but would look skeletal on me) so 110 may be your body protesting, since it's probably always been used to carrying more. But again, if you've always had a very petite frame then toss that whole thing out the window.
  • nsaglian
    nsaglian Posts: 29 Member
    Your doctor is very confused! Heart issues besides, you are doing nothing drastic! I have lost 53 lbs in 144 days or 2.6 lbs a week. I have been followed up by GP, Cardiologist, and Ophthalmologist, who all were extremely impressed. Blood tests show positive improvements. Your new GP should be replaced! Make sure you are well hydrated, and follow up with the cardiologist.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    I also do pilates and some HIIT 6 days per week for about 20 mins per day. Recently I passed out and was brought to the ER with heart palpitations (that had been going off and on for months). Doctor said I had been standing for too long and was mildly dehydrated.

    You might be doing HIIT too often. If you're doing true HIIT, up to 90-95% of your max heart rate, you shouldn't do it on consecutive days. Always take a day of rest between. Maybe scale back the HIIT workouts (no more than 3 per week tops), and mix it up with some low to moderate intensity workouts.
  • em3120
    em3120 Posts: 154 Member
    I am a psychiatrist (seriously...I am) and I think you're fine and to be commended on your magnificent efforts.

    There...you've seen a psychiatrist. You're fine! No need for any follow up appointments!

    On the other hand...tell your GP she needs to see a psychiatrist.

    Haha I actually LOL'ed at this. Needless to say, I'm going to a different GP from now on. I'm taking good care of my body and I don't think my goal is too unreasonable considering it is still in the healthy range for my height.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    maybe you look super thin at your wt now and they mean your wt LOSS is drastic.. not the time frame.. shoot im your height and my dream weight is your START weight! lol