Have you done a Color Run?

There is a color run in the area. I would love to do this. However I never ran in a race before. Is this something you have to run fast? Jog? Or have moment you might have to walk. I need to know is this a race you have to train for. I am not wanting to win. It looks like a lot of fun and I would like to check a 5k off my bucket list. So any info is great. What to wear? How fit do you need to be? How to prepare for it. Thanks


  • gallerygirl21
    gallerygirl21 Posts: 36 Member
    I have not done a color run, but my understanding is it just like any other 5K. I did C25K and went from not being able to run a 1/2 mile to being able to run my entire 5K in less than 33 minutes. In every race, there are competitors and people who are doing it more for fun. Just train and start further back in the pack and you will be just fine.
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    I just did one this past weekend. There were tons of walkers and runners at all levels. Ours wasn't even timed, so there was even less pressure to run. It was super fun and I highly recommend it! :-)
  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    That's pretty much what I want to do it for. Fun. I just want to start out slow with fun runs and then lead up to a harder run.
  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    Do they give you the tee shirt and shorts? Just a tee. Did you wear you old tennis shoes? Does the color come out?
  • freyaheart
    freyaheart Posts: 220 Member
    I wish they would have one in my area the closest one I can go to is Ohio and that is still really far away! I wish they'd have one in PIttsburgh, PA or Morgantown, WV
  • gigglybeth
    gigglybeth Posts: 365 Member
    They gave us just a t-shirt. The color gets EVERYWHERE. I'm still finding it places. It was chilly out so I had on a long-sleeved tee, then my color run shirt. The color somehow got through my long-sleeved tee to my sports bra! It's on my shoes (which looks sorta cool) and the whites of my nails just lost their pink tint today. It went through my shoes and socks to my toes!

    For the most part it came out of the clothes in one wash and off the body with one shower and some light scrubbing. I washed my hair twice just to be on the safe side. For whatever reason, the green seemed particularly stubborn. I wouldn't wear anything you love.

    Even with all that, it was totally worth it. Really fun and people were in such great spirits. I would definitely do it again.
  • kels1152
    kels1152 Posts: 74
    It's a race for anyone of any level! I just did one a few weeks ago and it was the most non competitive race I've ever done. I'd say that 40-50% of the participants walked.
    Definitely do it. It's a great first 5k and I'm sure you'll enjoy it :)
    You get a free tshirt and headband and color that you throw at the end. I wore my tshirt and the color came out. I put all the clothes i wore in a separate load in the washing machine and everything came out great.. I'd recommend not wearing brand new shoes though but if you have to then just throw them in the washer too.
    Best of luck!!!!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    •You don't need to be a runner: The Color Run is a beginner's dream: it's not timed, families and children are welcome, and there's a designated walking lane. Serious runners, take note: unless you are part of the lead pack or especially good at dodging crowds, you probably won't be able to run for time. During our run, the sheer amount of participants coupled with the stop-and-go color stations and the small size of the running lane made it difficult to consistently run any faster than an 11-minute mile. If you've never run continuously prior to the event, this is a great pace for a beginner runner. If you'd like to try and run the entire course, get started on a Couch to 5K plan at least two months before the Color Run.
    •The earlier, the better: With more than 10,000 entrants, it counts to be early when it comes to the Color Run. Because registration fees increase as the day of the event draws near, make sure to sign up early (registration starts around $45). The week of the Color Run, pick up your bib packet in advance; otherwise, expect to be waiting in a long line when you arrive the day of the run. For those who are hoping to set a new PR, show up a few hours before the start in order to position yourself in the lead pack. If not, you'll be stuck behind thousands of people you'll later have to maneuver around once you make it past the starting line. But really, this run is not about going fast — take your time and enjoy the experience!

    Find out whether or not that color comes out and even more tips after the break!
    •Protect yourself: From the beginning of the run to well after you cross the finish line, there is colored powder coming at you from every direction. Protect your eyes and mouth with a pair of sunglasses and bandanna, and make sure to keep any valuables sealed in plastic bags — especially cameras and phones. If you don't want to be completely doused in powder, stay in the middle of the lane when going through a color station.
    •Bring a buddy: This is definitely a fun run dominated by costumed teams, groups of friends, and families. Adding to the social feel of the Color Run, the finish-line celebrations consist of a huge dance party and a gathering of food vendors. Because of the Color Run's party element and the absence of a timed race, it's one event that is better enjoyed with friends.
    •Save your color packet until the end: While you may be tempted to bust open the color powder that came in your entry packet before you start running, save it for the finish. You'll have plenty of opportunities to be doused in color by volunteers during the run. More importantly, you'll later be left out of the fun if you're without a color packet when everyone lets their color out onto the dance floor.
    •The cleanup: It may only be colored corn starch, but the powder can still stain. First off, do not wear anything that you'll be upset to lose. While the colored powder may come out in the wash, there's a good chance it won't depending on how much it's set. Plan on giving yourself a good scrub in the shower once it's over, and don't be surprised if it takes a few washings to get rid of all the color — especially if you have blond hair (you may want to save yourself the hassle by just wearing a hat during the run). There are cleaning stations past the finish line that consist of air blowers, but you might want to bring a towel (or change of clothes) if your car has light-colored seats.
  • A lot of 5ks welcome walkers, so you just need to be comfortable walking 3 miles. :) What I do recommend is bringing a friend, SO much fun. I just did a mud run with a group of friends and we had a blast! Our time was horrible, but we were just there to have fun. :)

    A color run is on my to-do list for this fall. :D
  • daltem
    daltem Posts: 138 Member
    I wish they would have one in my area the closest one I can go to is Ohio and that is still really far away! I wish they'd have one in PIttsburgh, PA or Morgantown, WV

    I'm in pittsburgh- there is a color run here. They had one last year and the next is Aug 25 th. Google or Facebook color me rad. It will pop up.
  • Psh, I walked mine in November (6 months ago) for my 27th birthday and to prove that just because I was diagnosed with fibro didn't mean I was going to let me get it down.

    Most of the people at ours walked. There were kids in strollers!

    The color dye is cornstarch and dye. I was worried about latex, as I have an allergy, but no problem happened. I'd say about 60% of our color run was done by walkers, or young kids with their parents walking.

    It was a blast. It was just me and one friend, but we still had a good day!
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I did a color fun run/walk at the beginning of May. My sister-in-law and I walked most of it, but did jog here and there. I wore old workout pants, my old tennis shoes, and a plain white shirt under the white shirt they gave me. They just sprayed us with dye like you would tie-dye shirts with. It was meant to not come out, which is what I wanted. My plain white shirt got colored too, which I didn't mind. It was a lot of fun!
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    I did. And so did my lazy-*kitten*, never-gets-off-the-computer, can't-run-at-all teenager. She finished it.
  • timmemin
    timmemin Posts: 72 Member
    At the one I did in April it was not even timed. People walk, jog, skip, run. Really whatever you want to do from start to finish. I would recommend going with a group and just try to have a blast. Enjoy the exercise however you may get it and feel the love!
  • Grace4DebraAnn
    Grace4DebraAnn Posts: 124 Member
    Haven't done one yet, but am hoping to do one this summer. They have one in my area. Sounds like a lot of fun!
  • Shweet_heart
    Shweet_heart Posts: 51 Member
    I'm thinking about doing the one in Vancouver in August. I just need to get back into running, and maybe convince a friend or two to come along for the ride!

    All the info you'd need on the run is here:

  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    Wow guys thanks for all the info especially Melinda. I will definitely be signing up!
  • elishadew
    elishadew Posts: 1
    Freyaheart, there was a Color Me Rad in Pittsburgh on Sunday, and there is one in Morgantown, WV on September 7th at Mylan Park. I did the one in Pittsburgh, and it was a BLAST! Not timed, awesome atmosphere, but the gravel was terrible.

    If you register for the WV race, you can save 10% with the promo code FAMILY HOUSE to support the charity.