Stepping off the WW ledge and joining MFP

KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
I've been a weight watchers member on and off for 10+ years, consistently for the past 18 months. I'm down 25 pounds, and I absolutely believe that WW works...but you have to actually DO it. I finally had a 'come to Jesus' meeting with myself yesterday and I know that I haven't really been DOING WW, I'm just paying them, and using it as a security blanket. I've gotten complacent and I'm in a rut. I've gained 7 pounds since December. :(

So, here I am! I cancelled my WW membership today, got a new Fit Bit, and logged into MFP. I am currently doing an INSANITY 60 day challenge, so I am working out. (I'm not great at it, but I'm doing it!) My food is up and down. When I'm home, I do great. I try to eat pretty clean about 80% of the time. But I travel about 60% of the year for work, which is my downfall. Making poor decisions on the road.

I'm excited to do this - my enthusiasm is back, which is what I'm missing! I'd love to be at goal by my birthday - 35 by 35! :)

If anybody would like to add me, feel free, my food journal is public. I eat better knowing that people (even strangers!) are looking at what I eat! haha!



  • deflepchik
    deflepchik Posts: 11
    OMGosh! Your story sounds exactly like mine. I am a WW lifetime member who is about 20 lbs over my goal weight! I am following on line at the moment because I teach ZUMBA on the nights of my usual meeting. It's not working for me (wait, let me correct myself...I'm not doing it!!). Like you, I'm paying for it but not using it. UGH! I joined MFP for something different to concentrate on. :)
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Ha - glad to not be in this alone! :)

    And I LOVE Zumba! It's actually the reason I haven't cancelled my overpriced gym membership too. I might want to take a class. I haven't taken one in 2 months, and I'm working out at home, but you never know when the mood will strike. :wink:
  • KarieOlmstead
    KarieOlmstead Posts: 3 Member
    I also have stepped off the WW ledge. I lost 90 lbs on WW 21 years ago and kept it off for 10 years. I regained the weight and decided it was time to lose it once and for all. I lost 20 of the 70 lbs I need to lose and have been on a plateau since Sept. I work out like crazy but I wasn't losing the weight so here I am, on MFP. so far so good. I lost 3.4 lbs the first week.
    Good luck to all of you. We can do this!!:happy:
  • deflepchik
    deflepchik Posts: 11
    definitely not alone!!!! I kind of felt alone and down today at work. I'm glad I clicked into the message boards. Just frustrated knowing that I have to pay close attention to everything that goes in my mouth for the rest of my life. WW works for sure...lost 72 lbs on it...kept it off for 1.5 years then I don't know what happened. LIfe happened I guess. Having a hard time refocusing on WW so I'm trying this to see where it takes me. Do you find it weird not counting points but calories etc? Guess I'll get used to it!
  • Twiblet
    Twiblet Posts: 4 Member
    You will get used to counting calories instead of points. I was also a member of WW off and on for about 7 years. I lost about 20 pounds, gained 25, and then have been yo-yo-ing up and down. I found a good leader and meeting is key for me and I had one once-she got fired- and I haven't found a fit since. It's a great program but I just wasn't sticking with it. My sister convinced me to join MFP so we can succeed together.
  • neatrivers
    neatrivers Posts: 1
    I went to the ob/gyn today. Everything went well, but I weigh over 200 pounds and I am only 5 feet tall. I am healthy, but I gained 40 pounds earning my doctorate over a 2 1/2 period. My doctor really wants me to take the weight back off! He says I am healthy but I need to stay healthy. I am 43 years old, and I do not currently take any medication. I want to stay that way. I am bound and determined I am going to take this weight off. I really need support and I feel MFP is the place for me. I know I have got to get serious about STAYING healthy because I am determined to live a long and prosperous life.
  • crose0056
    crose0056 Posts: 105 Member
    WE never really worked for me, I found myself using the points for everything else than healthy food. With MFP it's like money to me and with my lifestyle they only give me 1200 to spend on food. No extra points to stretch out the week with. So far I have logged on daily and kept my calories in check. Down 6+ in 40 days. I love the boards also, everyone sticks to the topic at hand and no trolls and people bashing so far. Love it and it's totally free, now that's a bargain.
  • JDY36
    JDY36 Posts: 17
    I too called just today to cancel my WW membership. LOL. I love MFP and how cheery the ticker is at the end of the day. "If you ate like this every day you'd weigh x." Looking forward to losing the weight for good.
  • craziecritter
    craziecritter Posts: 202 Member
    Welcome!!! I also cancelled my WW membership the other day. I was on and off WW for years without success and I was following the program to the T. I love MFP for the friendship and motivation that I haven gotten in the past week that I have been a member. I am now seeing a dietitian and she is helping me with my journey along with all of these great people. Now I realize that all that FRUIT did have hidden points!
  • Buff2022
    Buff2022 Posts: 373 Member
    I left WW a long time ago. I told my Doctor back in April that I just could not do another WW meeting or count another point. She pointed me to this site and I am down 31 pounds since April.
  • Giget
    Giget Posts: 33 Member
    I have tried to lose 25-30 for the past year and had joined WW in Jan and have lost 10 lbs but it is a slow process....I am going to cancel within the month....not very happy with the program....I had come across this site last year and stayed with it for a sort time then lost interest....What can I say other then I am going to try again and stick with it at least for 5 months...( same amount of time I gave WW) and see if I can do better...I have joined the Y and have been doing the water arobic classes 2-3 times a week since Feb of this year.....might be how I had lost the 10lbs;) I do like how the outlook is sit many cals,protein,fat,sodium etc..your putting in your body!! Would love to have friends to help me on my journey to a happy and healthier me.....
  • I have reached my WW target twice but get complacent and eat it all back on again! Have about 20lb to lose and told myself this is the time to do it.

    Getting married next year and really need to start dress shopping soon and dont want to feel fat and wobbly in my dress so commiting to getting the weight off first.

    Could really do with any motivation going!!

  • 2Elle
    2Elle Posts: 3 Member
    OMG this just sounds like me, I'm a lapsed Gold Member of WW, this time I had 53lbs to loose and when I stick to my Points it works, but I've been trying to loose the last 20lbs for the last 6 months!
    My friend at work introduced me to mfp and I've lost 5.5lbs, it's got me back on track and like previously mentioned I was eating way too much fruit, it definitely does count after all! I don't have enough self control to not eat my weekly points over and over again and I like mfp's exact nutritional values for all foods, I was eating way too much sugar. (always knew I had a sweet tooth but now I can see the evidence)
    I haven't cancelled my WW membership just yet as I really like my leader and still need the security blanket of the weigh in, I know it's silly as I'm paying them and not using their system, maybe I'll take the bull by the horns and make that phone call.
    Good luck to you all:blushing:
  • Pinkdazzi
    Pinkdazzi Posts: 1
    That is so me as well. I was down total of about 130lbs and have gained about 25+/-. I did WW really well, but the thought of stepping back into a meeting..makes my skin crawl. I really like MFP and accountability it has. Also, the iPhone AP is MUCH easier to use the WW one. And it's a lot cheaper.
  • SandiW02
    SandiW02 Posts: 223 Member
    I am a former WW too and find MFP to be almost exactly the same but free and much easier to use. You still have to weigh and measure but not have to recalculate everything into 'points'. That was what I could not do. Plus I find the MFP members to be more inspirational daily than the fake smiles from the meetings where I used to sit alone (not that I am not nice or social but was probably the wrong meetings for me).

  • marva1127
    marva1127 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, it sounds like you're telling my story. I lost 80lbs on WW years ago after having my daughter. I was a member on and off until my last stint with WW online from 2010-2012. I realized that I was wasting $$ and found the MFP app in iPhone. My problem is consistency; however, I'm back on the horse now and trying to be consistent with tracking food and exercise. It's nice to have a free, detailed app with such a large community. One thing I love about the app is that it not only tracks calories, but also carbs, sugars, fats, etc. That was very enlightening to me because although I was under my points, I was over in other areas. Good luck. :smile:
  • diddles19
    diddles19 Posts: 122 Member
    I'm a former WW as well. Never felt I was getting anywhere and was totally fed up counting points. MFP and my fitbit have given me so much more hope that I will reach my goal. I have a long way to go but in two weeks I have lost 5 lbs and feel more in control
  • loseforgood30
    loseforgood30 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi. I am fairly new to MFP. I lost quite a bit with WW, but had to quit when my husband was laid off last Thanksgiving. I was devastated. During that time until recently, I've gained back 10 pounds. Even though my husband found a new job in March, I can't bring myself to start paying for Weight Watchers again - especially since the monthly price has went up! So I am trying this. We are taking a family vacation to Disney World later in September, and so I want to be at goal y them! About 18 pounds to go!

    I am really impressed how east MFP is! It's so convenient - I can access it on my Computer, iPad or iPhone. And the food selection is amazing! I'm excited to lose again weight again. :)
  • Yup, I cancelled my monthly membership with WW yesterday and changed it to an online membership. I like using the activelink, so I could not cancel 100%. Here I am on MFP. I have also downloaded the Runtastic app which works with MFP. On Monday my husband and I joined a town boardwalk challenge, Sponsored by Horizon BCBS. I am refocused and motivated.
  • KAS0917
    KAS0917 Posts: 172 Member
    Awww, we're like our own little club! So glad to 'see' so many of you here on this journey as well. :)

    I'm also glad this didn't turn into a 'bashing WW' thread - I firmly, 100% know that it works. This just became a time for me personally where I had to try something new. What's the saying?

    "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." -- Albert Einstein

    As far as counting points vs. calories? I'm not finding it a really difficult switch, but I think it may be because I travel so much for work and am always eating in restaurants that I had to estimate a lot - I could often find the calories in a dish, but not necessarily all of the NI, so I did a lost of estimating based on 40 calories/point. So I've always thought of points in terms of calories. This is easier, and I agree that the MFP food database and app is much easier!

    I'm a little nervous about the # of calories I should eat. MFP gave me 1200 which seemed too low, then I adjusted some things and got it up to 1410. I did the scooby calculator thing and it said 1750 - which seems like too many. So I'm going to go with the 1410 plus exercise calories for now. On WW if you covert points to calories I was at 1160 + fruits/vegetables, so probably around 1500, plus the weekly and activity points. When I was really doing well I ate my daily, plus about 1/2 - 3/4 of the weekly points and was losing about 1.5 a week. So we'll see! :)