I've been a bad girl...

Haven't worked out for 4 days aince Saturday. 5 if I don't do today. Then I have eaten so much in those past days too. I've only been trying to lose weight seriously last week and now I'm back to my usual eating habit.

It's getting frustrating.


  • sznnn
    sznnn Posts: 46 Member
    Get on it then!! Do something tonight, even if it's a walk or some jumping jacks or push ups. You'll feel better for having it done. :)
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    Keep logging, even if you know you are going way over, because once you get your head straight you'll still be in the habit of logging. Otherwise, it will easy to say "Okay, I'm ready I'll start logging on Monday". Problem is, Monday will turn into next Monday. If you're already logging, it is easy to say "Okay, today is the day."
  • kweni16
    kweni16 Posts: 30
    Got it! Sounds easier than done but I'll do my best.

    I have another concern though. What do you guys do when you feel sooooo darn lazy to work out? I don't have the time to do it in the morning so I do it when I get home from work and my job's really tiring.
  • hardyjessicag
    hardyjessicag Posts: 93 Member
    I wake up at 6, and don't get home till almost 6. My job is tiring (just mentally, not physically), and I don't have any time in the morning to work out. So I come home, and I get on my workout clothes, and I power through it. I tell myself the faster I finish my workout, the quicker I can enjoy the rest of my night, with the added benefit of not beating myself up because I skipped out on a workout.

    It's hard to get exercise in, but you have to ask yourself if you *can't* do it, or you *wont* do it. Because no one can make yourself but you.

    Hope this helps a bit! Keep at it, I know this is something you want!
  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    so exercise.
  • dan95130
    dan95130 Posts: 78 Member
    Exercising doesn't have to be a half hour in the weight room or a five mile run. When you get home from work take a walk around the block, then build on that.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    I wake up at 6, and don't get home till almost 6. My job is tiring (just mentally, not physically), and I don't have any time in the morning to work out. So I come home, and I get on my workout clothes, and I power through it. I tell myself the faster I finish my workout, the quicker I can enjoy the rest of my night, with the added benefit of not beating myself up because I skipped out on a workout.

    It's hard to get exercise in, but you have to ask yourself if you *can't* do it, or you *wont* do it. Because no one can make yourself but you.

    Hope this helps a bit! Keep at it, I know this is something you want!

    This.....If you keep on looking for excuses, you will find them....Go get busy...
  • ChristinaR720
    ChristinaR720 Posts: 1,186
    You need to commit yourself to this process. Nobody can make this happen for you but yourself. You have to want it more than you want to sit on the couch watching TV all day, and you have to want it more than that entire gallon of ice cream. Excuses are part of what got a majority of us here, and excuses are what will keep you where you are unless you're willing to commit yourself to making the change.

    No more excuses. Just get up and go. You may even find yourself enjoying the newer, more active YOU.
  • ajstaudt
    ajstaudt Posts: 28 Member
    Get a gym membership; this will cause you to become literally invested in your fitness. Make it part of your routine to go to that gym first thing after work, every work day. Just showing up and walking into that gym should then be enough to make you exercise; maybe not a lot at first, but at least you will feel compelled to spend a little time on the treadmill/elliptical/whatever before walking back out that door. Getting started is half the battle, and if you force yourself to walk through those doors everyday then you will find yourself back on track in no time.
  • Refr_Quicksilver
    Breaks are not bad from time to time... Just dont let a break turn into the norm...
    Get up ,, get the sweat going...
  • sangeyvang
    sangeyvang Posts: 182
    Got it! Sounds easier than done but I'll do my best.

    I have another concern though. What do you guys do when you feel sooooo darn lazy to work out? I don't have the time to do it in the morning so I do it when I get home from work and my job's really tiring.

    Yeah, I was feeling really lazy today and did not want to get my butt to work out. But I said to myself that I had nothing better to do anyways and that I'll feel better after the workout! And which I do feel better now! Just try to start up slowly again if you can! It's not bad to take a break sometimes!
  • danibu98
    danibu98 Posts: 281 Member
    Haven't worked out for 4 days aince Saturday. 5 if I don't do today. Then I have eaten so much in those past days too. I've only been trying to lose weight seriously last week and now I'm back to my usual eating habit.

    It's getting frustrating.

    I literally put on my workout clothes (I aim to work out 4x a week) as I am getting my kids ready for bed and after they are in bed I go downstairs and plop on my couch without TV on and sit there until I push play. Sometimes it takes 3 minutes, sometimes 15, but I do it. I also work more-than-full-time.at my job and the kids need me in the morning too (I have 3 little ones). I used to make up every excuse in the world.
  • lj8576
    lj8576 Posts: 156
    Some days I feel the same way. I just dont feel like going to they gym and I want to lay on the couch until I go to work at night. When I make myself get up and do it I ALWAYS feel better afterward.
  • kweni16
    kweni16 Posts: 30
    Alright I'll get my lazy bum up now. It's my day off anyway. I'm glad to know that I could always run here for support. It's just annoying that the others here around me would laugh for trying to be healthy.
  • Millertime_jason
    Millertime_jason Posts: 8 Member
    Getting to the work out is the hardest, once you start it will becomes easy. Today I really did not want to work out, I had not worked out since Friday as well. But once I got there, I quickly had been on the elliptical for 30 minutes and decided what the heck is another 10 minutes. I feel great and it is easier not to snack realizing the effort I had just put in.

    For me it meant getting a gym membership, at home it was just to easy to find something else to do and the treadmill makes one heck of a place to hang clothes and forget it even exists.

    Once the results start it makes it easier, make a song list to listen to that inspires you.

    As for the logging, LOG EVERYTHING, if you screw up, it will force you to do better the next day.

    GOOD LUCK!!!
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    You just go....making excuses about why we can't do things is why most of us ended up here in the first place. This site is filled with people myself included who have fulltime busy jobs + family and all the other crap that goes with life, You forget the tiredness put your gym clothes on and get your *kitten* moving.

    Once the excuses stop and you commit you will see results.
  • GlutesthatSalute
    GlutesthatSalute Posts: 460 Member
    I look at pic of fit people either on Insta Gram or facebook and think about what they did to get there and how I will feel when I do too!!

    OH and
    Breaks are not bad from time to time... Just dont let a break turn into the norm...
    Get up ,, get the sweat going...

    THIS^^^^^ I mean look at him.. he knows what he's talking about!! :love:
  • Andrea8985
    Andrea8985 Posts: 107
    I was like that too, for a long time. This time it's different. The only day of the week I literally have zero time to work out is Thursdays, so that's my rest day. Even then, I go for a walk on my lunch break at work. It's something.

    How did I do it? I got tired of making excuses. I am tired of looking the way that I do, and the only person in the world that can change that is me. So I do it. Tonight, it was a ridiculously long day at work and I am tired. I don't want to work out. But I just tell myself that if I don't do this workout, I'm going to keep looking this way and I will feel even worse because I know I could do something about it if I tried. So I am going to change into my workout clothes and I am going to do this workout. After that, I'll allow myself an hour of TV. Not before.

    It's tough, but there will come a time where you tell yourself "enough is enough" and you'll truly mean it. You'll do anything to get the body you want, no matter how uncomfortable it is to get there. I've told myself "enough is enough" countless times in the past. I always fell back into my old habits. This time, I truly mean it. I don't care how much I have to suffer to get there, I'm going to do it. Only with that attitude will you actually be able to make yourself do it.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    Trust me, I had the same problem - just getting up and doing it is the hardest part. I agree with joining a gym - knowing that I'm paying the YMCA and if I don't go work out it's wasting money is a big help because I don't have money to waste.

    Try to do it when you can - I realized the only time I have to do it is in the morning (honestly if I wait until after work I'll be too tempted to use being tired as an excuse) so I actually get up at 4 so I can be at the gym at 4:30 - it was REALLY hard at first, but it's what I had to do to stick with it and I exercise 5-6 days a week.

    You can do it - you got this, girl! :)
  • arl1286
    arl1286 Posts: 276 Member
    Got it! Sounds easier than done but I'll do my best.

    I have another concern though. What do you guys do when you feel sooooo darn lazy to work out? I don't have the time to do it in the morning so I do it when I get home from work and my job's really tiring.


    Seriously. Just get your a** out and do it. "The only workout you ever regret is the one you skipped."