Any fitness/nutrition/ gurus out there?

I need some sound advice on how to lose a stubborn gut. I have lost 31 pounds but can't seem to lose the stomach. I also can't get the scale to move. Fluctuating 3lbs. For my height 5'2 I should be 118-127 I would be happy just to be 127 if this gut would go elsewhere.

Are there certain food to eat or avoid. I have read online to avoid bananas . I have no idea the best food to eat. I have completely cut out soda. I drink mainly water and coffee. Occasionally I will drink a diet dr pepper. I don't eat at fast food restaurants like I use to. If for any reason I do I watch my portions. (kiddie meals) But that is usually rare or on vacation. Any more I seem to have the same 6 meals. I am afraid I am going to burn out. I would love any websites, recipes, or ideas

Are there any exercises I can do on my own to help those areas. I know I can't lose it with just crunches. I have been using Jillian ab killer and shred. But working nights I can't seem to do the video everyday.

My gym fitness people are kinda useless. I don't think any of them are geared for nutrition. Most of them are burning so many calories they are eating alot of food. Which does not help me. They are happy to show you how to use the machines but not what might help you. I could hire a trainer for a week but I don't know if that will help me or not.

I have increased my calorie intake because from the last post I made about the scale is stuck I wasn't eating enough. 1250 calories daily. I usually eat between 1350-2000 Depending on what I burn. I usually have a 250-500 deficit. Which is suppose to make me lose 1/2 to a 1 pound a day. I DON"T SEE THAT...ugh so frustrating. Especially when MFP says you'll weigh 5 weeks I have seen under 130 for 3 months now. I have not lost a thing. :(

I don't care to do the work. I just need to know what work to do. I take extra walks. Try to avoid couch time like I use to do after work. I am up and active. Walking/jogging or hiking. I feel great. Just not seeing the difference. But on a positive note I am not gaining.

Any help is much appreciated


  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    Please don't try to sell me shakeology or any other products. Looking for real food and exercise ideas. Something I can use for the rest of my life. Shakeology isn't a fix. To me it's just an aid to get you started. I have already started. I want to finish and maintain.
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    I have increased my calorie intake because from the last post I made about the scale is stuck I wasn't eating enough. 1250 calories daily. I usually eat between 1350-2000 Depending on what I burn. I usually have a 250-500 deficit. Which is suppose to make me lose 1/2 to a 1 pound a day. I DON"T SEE THAT...ugh so frustrating. Especially when MFP says you'll weigh 5 weeks I have seen under 130 for 3 months now. I have not lost a thing. :(

    First of all, I assume the 1/2 to 1 pound a day is a typo. It should be 1/2 to 1 pound per week.

    t's possible your metabolism is a little lower than the average human. You could try cutting another 250 calories per day from your diet and see if that helps.

    If you don't want to do that, you could try changing your workout to something completely different. Look up HIIT, or try a strength program (Stronglifts 5x5, Starting Strength, or New Rules of Lifting for Women). .If you've never done a heavy strength program before, you will be able to take advantage of the Newbie Effect, which might help to burn those last few pounds of fat.

    Starting a strength program is hard work, but you only have to do 3 days a week, maybe 30-60 minutes per day, depending on the program. You'll have to do some homework to learn the lifts, but a lot of people have a lot of success with it.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    You cannot spot reduce. There is nothing that you can avoid eating or an exercise you can do that will reduce fat solely from your stomach.
  • ciaokk
    ciaokk Posts: 19 Member
    I would hire a personal trainer and work on strength training. Working night shift isn't helping you as your circadian rhythms are a bit off because you have to rearrange them when you work nights, then come off nights for a few days, then go back to nights. Keep up everything else you are doing, but go to a good gym and hire a trainer....I think it will it has helped me a ton!
  • rick_po
    rick_po Posts: 449 Member
    Working night shift isn't helping you as your circadian rhythms are a bit off because you have to rearrange them when you work nights, then come off nights for a few days, then go back to nights.

    This is a great point. Night shift can be very hard. Stress and lack of sleep run havoc on your body. Don't feel too bad about struggling, because you're working in difficult circumstances. You might need to be more patient than most people.
  • Livingdeadnurse
    Livingdeadnurse Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks everyone. And yea that was 1 pound a week not day. Definitely a typo. I changed up my food to fresher and less processed. I lost another pound after a month and a half stand still.