Mommys who want to lose weight click here.

Hi my names Kristin. I am a 23 year old stay at home Mom to a 20 month old baby boy. Now I know running around with a baby should be enough exercise right? Doing housework and cooking dinner we should be skinny right? Well thats not the case. At highschool graduation in 2009 I weighed 125lbs. I got pregnant in 2012 and even lost 10lbs during my first 4 months of my pregnancy. At the end of my pregnancy I was at my hugest. 200lbs. At my 6 week postpartum delivery I was down to 150. Im 4'11 so my weight should be around 120-125.

The reason I started my journey was because my Fiances clothes which are always 3 sizes to big because thats just his style looked better on me then my normal small/medium shirts and my size 19 in jeans. I had enough.

I started looking online about fast workouts for stay at home Moms and the bikini body Mommy challenge came up. I started doing the workouts everyday. 1st day strength training,2nd cardio, 3rd strength and so on and so forth and the 7th day was rest/weigh in/ measurement. I ate the same way I always did but got rid of one of my biggest addictions. Pop. I got to day 38 with no weight loss. Just gained.

I started a reboot. I still did the bikini body mommy challenge on youtube and facebook. I started cycling calories. Someone in my weight and height and working out 3-4 hours a week and burning 1000 calories a week should eat 1600-1800 calories a day. So whats calorie cycling if you dont already know. Its not trying to eat the same calories everyday. Always eat 1200 for 2 days out of the week. 1800 for 1 day a week and stay in between 1200-1800 calories the other 4 days. Never eat the same calories the same day every week. When you eat the same amount of calories everyday you may hit a platuea. And it will take a while to get to lose weigh again. With calorie cycling you bodies always guessing.

For the first 4 weeks. I tried to workout 180 minutes a week and burn 1000 calories a week. I did the bikini body mommy challenge on day 1 3 5 and HIIT and cardio workouts 2 4 6 days.

I use MFP everyday to add my food and calories. Macros matter but not as much as everyone says it does. Fat should be the lowest precentage. Protein should be the highest and carbs should be in the middle of both.

I went to my Drs on the 13th for a checkup. He ordered blood work to check on my thyroid. i weighed 185lbs at the drs with my clothes and shoes on.

I went back to the drs on the 20th. 1 week later. My blood work came back for my thyroid. My numbers were suppose to be 0-32. Mine was 151. He prescribed me 3 iodine pills a day. Looked at my chart and I lost 2lbs in 1 week. He told me to keep doing what im doing and id be at 125 in 7-8 months.

My diet. I drink a protein shake every morning. Thats my breakfast. Wait 30 mins after I finish and do my workout. Lunch I always have protein. Eggs, meat,sometimes low fat progresso soups. Dinner I eat whatever but in moderation. If hubby brings a digorno pizza home and the box says 1/4 of the pizza is 350. I eat 1 piece. If I have calories remaining I will have a cookie. Nothing wrong with that. Dieting is not torture its being healthy eat a freakin cookie.

Cheat days. Yes I do believe in them. Dieting shouldnt be about all the foods you cant eat. Well most of the week should be. But its okay to have a cookie or a piece of cake or ice cream for dessert. Just in moderation. Friday or Saturday is always my cheat day. I just eat what I want until I feel full. I also drink my addiction POP. Then extra workout and eat the lowest calories thats healthy 1200.

I just finished week 3 of my challenge and my weigh in/ measurements and rest day is 2morow. So I dont know how much ive lost in this weeks time.

But heres my beginning weight and measurements, plus week 1 and week 2.

Beginning i weighed 185lbs

End of week 1

End of week 2 180.

I lost inches in my arms and waist. My SOn deleted my folder. lol.

If anybody needs some advice hit me up. Ill help if I can.


  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Hey wow your doing well. Im mum to two boys 6 and 3. Ive struggled with my weight since having my boys. Im counting my calories and hsve recently statrted going gym and doing some Hiit workouts! Unfortunately i only lost 0.5kg in 3 weeks!! Not sure why or whether it was wateer retention
    Id love to lose 14 pounds by january its my birthday then!
  • JaydensMama418
    My Birthdays in March. I still have 56lbs left to lose. I hit a snag last week and didnt lose any due to eating pizza hut. Totally screwed me up.
  • aniqa109
    aniqa109 Posts: 364 Member
    Aww i know how you feel. Ive had a bit of a binge this week and i doubt im going 2 lose this week. Its so easy to get off track! Im still struggling to exercise!
  • galprincess
    galprincess Posts: 682 Member
    I am a mum of 3. 12, 4 and 20 months I got 7lbs to go
  • JaydensMama418
    Good job galprincess. The hardest thing that i cant seem to shake is fast food. We use to eat it 3 or 4 times a week. But were down to 2 times a month and I always over eat it. With thanksgiving I made my 2 plates very small. We had thanksgiving thursday at my moms and friday at my sister in laws. My plates were very tiny. But I know im not gonna lose much this week either. IM hoping I still lose a lb.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    i just had my 2nd daughter about 7 weeks ago; i lost about 24 lbs within that time; i'm currently down 114lbs and i have another 90 to go before i reach a weight that i'm happy with; i sent you a friend request!
    i have a long way to go and would love if we could support each other
  • JaydensMama418
    Absolutely. Thanks for the add. I love talking to new mommys. My Son turns 2 in April. I was 200lbs and his delivery day. Im at 180 now. Still have 60lbs to go.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    My daughter turned 2 in October, she and her sister share the same birthday! i made a goal to lose 67lbs by march (my birthday); currently i'm down to 46lbs to my goal; i started immediately after i had my daughter lol
  • JaydensMama418
    Great job hun
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member

    I'm a stay-at-home mom with two wonderful little boys (oldest will be 3yrs next month and youngest just turned 6 months).
    I've been working on my weight for awhile now and there have definitely been some obstacles.

    My first son was born in Dec, 2011. I was 34weeks pregnant and had to have an emergency csection because of rapidly progressing pre-eclampsia. 6 weeks later, I weighed 260lbs (5'4.5"...don't even want to think of the BMI for that weight). :sad:

    I started working on my weight and got down to 198lbs by June, 2012. The way I did it wasn't a long term sustainable plan. I found that out the hard weigh and ended up gaining some of the weight I lost back.

    March, 2013 I found MFP. I was back up to 218lbs. :sad: Started counting calories. Bought a HRM in April, a Fitbit in May, and a food scale in June.

    September, 2013 - Was down to 170lbs. However, I also found out I was pregnant with my second child that month. :smooched:

    May 27, 2014 - 212lbs 41 weeks pregnant and 2 Days before my second C-section.

    September 11, 2014- 181lbs. This was when I started working out again after my recent c-section

    Nov 29 2014 - 166.8lbs and roughly 36.8lbs to go. Another note, while my first attempt at weight loss was basically a crash and burn, MFP has definitely provided me with a weight loss plan that I can stick to long term.

    My ultimate goal is to get to 20% BF and I really don't care what weight that is. :drinker:
  • araromi2
    araromi2 Posts: 111 Member
    My son is currently 7 mos and I was home until he was 5 months . I returned to work because I did not want to put my career on hold and ultimately I want a decent retirement.I have an amazing husband that would support me if I chose to stay home but staying at home left me feeling resentful and disconnected.My biggest issue is finding time to work out.I have a long commute and a very demanding career.When I get home I'm exhausted and I just muster up enough energy to make dinner,and have family time with baby and hubby. Do any of you know of any programs that are not overly time consuming or too challenging to follow at home?Also are any of you still breastfeeding ?
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    edited November 2014
    Hi mummies! (I'm English, I can't bring myself to write 'mommies' lol).

    My third baby turns 7 months tomorrow and I still have 37lbs to go to reach pre-pregnancy weight. My other 2 children are 5.5 and 3.5. I lost 66lbs after my 2nd baby.

    I worked out and logged all third pregnancy but still gained, which sucks, but anyway, c'est la vie. I've been back working out since my baby was 6.5 weeks old. I do spinning, PT sessions, aerobics, step, core stability, bootcamp, kettlebells etc and lots of walks with my kids.

    I'm a secondary school languages teacher, but we get a year for maternity leave, so I'm not back at work until March, when I'll do 3 days a week. I'm hoping to have lost another 25lbs by then, and hopefully all the weight will be gone by May 1st when she turns 1!
  • JaydensMama418
    I love talking to you new Mommys. Its nice to know im not alone. Arraromi2. I do the youtube bikini body mommy challenge. Her videos are 8-20 mins long. Strength training for day 1 3 and 5. Then 2 4 and 6 I do workouts. Because the bikini body mommy challenge says to just walk and I need something way more intense then that. So I do fitness workouts. They can range from 10-88 mins. Cool thing about them you can search there workout data base for how many calories you want to burn. how many minutes you want the workout, what kind of workout you want to do and what equipment you have to use. You hit search and it gives you many options. My weigh in day is always on the 7th day in the morning which is my rest day and I try to do a very low calorie burn workout from because its a rest day but I still get that workout in. Id love to have you Mommys as my friends. Add me if you'd like.
  • littlehedgy
    littlehedgy Posts: 192 Member
    Brand new mommy here. Little man is 3 weeks. We exclusively breastfeed and I pump when I can to increase supply. I'm not cleared for exercise yet but would love some support
  • JaydensMama418
    Im glad you added me hun. As of today, a month into my journey, im down 10lbs...Only 50 to go.
  • deluxmary2000
    deluxmary2000 Posts: 981 Member
    araromi2 wrote: »
    My son is currently 7 mos and I was home until he was 5 months . I returned to work because I did not want to put my career on hold and ultimately I want a decent retirement.I have an amazing husband that would support me if I chose to stay home but staying at home left me feeling resentful and disconnected.My biggest issue is finding time to work out.I have a long commute and a very demanding career.When I get home I'm exhausted and I just muster up enough energy to make dinner,and have family time with baby and hubby. Do any of you know of any programs that are not overly time consuming or too challenging to follow at home?Also are any of you still breastfeeding ?

    My personal opinion is that if you really do have that much going on, that it's not necessary to carve out big chunks of time to exercise right now. If your primary goal is to lose weight , you can do that with diet alone. And try to just stay as active as possible by going on walks with the family, dancing with the baby, etc. You can lose weight now with a healthy diet (with a calorie deficit).
    When baby gets a bit older and you've had time to settle into your work routine, then you can see about upping your exercise a bit.
    I guess my point is not to burn yourself out by trying to be supermom. Enjoy your baby and just eat at a calorie deficit for now.

    Ps - I'm also a working mom with a 7 month old baby and a hellacious commute, but luckily my work is super slow right now so I have plenty of time to hit the gym on my lunch break ;)