Advice and Tips

I recently posted that I won the Biggest Loser at work and lost 47lbs. Another member of the site sent me a private message (I will not name them, just in case they don't wish to have that made public knowledge), asking me for any advice or tips I might have. I thought about it and then I went through what I did specifically for me. But in case anyone else out there wants to know what a person may do to obtain weight loss success or if anyone who saw my post and was curious about what exactly I did, I decided I would post what I sent to that wonderful person.

Here it is:

"Thanks for the congrats!

As for what I did or tips, I can give you the basic layout.

I cut out most processed drinks. Especially soda. Mostly alcohol. I usually only drink tea and water. And I have to brew the tea myself and sweeten it myself. No artificial sugars or the bottled teas (they actually give me heartburn). I have alcohol on occasion, maybe once every 2 months. I also upped water intake by forcing myself to drink 2 cups of plain water between each cup of tea. There's a huge difference I noticed when I'm fully hydrated. I perform better at work and during my workout.

Food and diet wise, I tried to replace my favorite snacks (chips, candy bars) with a piece of fruit or veggie that I like. Or one of those with peanut butter or yogurt (although I don't really like yogurt). I still have the "bad snacks". Maybe as a once a week snack.

I already enjoy most of the "healthy" foods, but I got a little carried away with eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Pizza, cheesesteaks, wings, burgers are an occasional meals now, not every day. I usually have fish 1-2 times a week, a lot of poultry, the occasional steak (love steak). I just try to make veggies the biggest % on my plate, the protein the 2nd biggest, and any starches/carbs (potatoes, pasta) the smallest %.

I use MFP and log EVERYTHING, even the bad stuff. Even the days when I'm super stressed at work because of deadlines and I go crazy. I log it all. (those crazy days are few and far between now, they used to be more close together at the beginning) I also noticed patterns of stuff that happens when I have crazy days or I got 2 weeks with staying within my healthy plan goes. My chronic migraines change, my energy changes, my poop even changes (sorry if TMI).

I have myself still set at the "lose 1lb a week" settings with the 500 cal daily deficit (I allow the auto-updates at 10lbs lost that the website suggests). I exercise, but don't eat the calories back that I'm allotted, unless I'm super hungry that day. A really big workout makes me hungrier the next day.

My biggest tip is don't give up. If you have a bad day, log it, accept it, say to yourself it was just one bad day. And MOVE ON. Continue your plan. Start the next day, or even, if there's still time that same day, start the next meal. 1 or 2 slip-ups will not hurt you. Giving up will. I know from experience. I did this before 3 years ago, lost 40lbs and gained it all back plus some. I have chronic migraines and I noticed I started getting a headache about halfway through my workout, but if I stuck through it, it would be gone in 20 minutes. I took the easy route and quit working out. And then went back to eating everything in sight. Everyone is different though, so find out what works for you and do it. Just do it. Make good habits. Replace the bad ones. And keep going. And even if you're doing a Biggest Loser competition and you win, don't stop. Keep all that knowledge and progress and keep going.

I don't know anything about your personal situation, but I really hope this helps. :smiley: "

Thanks for reading. Hope this helps anyone interested in this kind of thing.


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