How did you change your lifestyle from fat to fit ?



  • vanseters1956
    All the above reasons are great. But, the ultimate comes from you. HOW BADLY DO YOU WANT IT ?? Once you reach that point you'll understand. For me, it took being at my top weight, and on cholesterol meds 7 yrs ago. Get some friends here, check in every day, log your food and activity, and if you dont understand something, ask. Good luck on your journey. Oh yeah, add me as a friend if you want :smile:
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    I am no expert but I am down 86 pounds.
    Today I found this thread. It pretty much sums up how I have kept going.
  • WildOkapi
    I went to lie on my stomach one night and found I couldn't breathe properly. I signed up for MFP and started with the recommended daily calorie intake the next day and started running the day after that.

    I don't want to ever go back to the weight I was at. I didn't get out of breath going up the stairs or anything, but I knew I wasn't healthy. I also didn't want to die from obesity-related complications at 40 or have diabetes, high-blood pressure, etc. Several relatives already have those diseases due to their obesity and I refuse to be anything like them.

    It doesn't take 'thinking about it' to do what I do. I automatically weigh everything I eat and log accordingly, keeping to my daily calorie intake goals. I exercise regularly and stick to my weekly calorie burn/time goals. If I go over my calories, I don't beat myself up for it. I just keep going.