Over 55 years & 54 pounds to lose - looking for MFP friends

Hi, everyone. I am looking for like-minded, serious about right-sizing friends. If you are creative too (poetry, writing, painting, performing, music) we will synch well!

I was a bit frustrated with myself recently and had to snap out of it. Snapping meant getting on this sight, finding active groups to belong to (do you realize how many MFP groups are created and then forgotten? It is sooooo sad!) and committing to logging food daily and checking in with friends. Based on recent respond dates, you guys look like an active group!

Here's my story of woe:

While I have lost 60 lbs in the last two years, two months ago I got down to 172 and then proceeded to gain all that loss and am right back at 190.

Today, I restarted myself with a new goal to focus 80% on staying on my food plan and 20% on fitness (daily gym training but won't bum myself if I'm not killing it six days a week at the gym).

I turn 58 yrs old in March and my birthday present to myself will be the right-sized me.

I'm a scholar/student and during the school semesters it is always hardest for me. I was carb hungry these last few months and that's what really threw me off. Now, I'm back on track and plan to stay there. I will no longer think of myself as "having to lose 54 pounds" or "am losing weight" but visualize daily and think only that I HAVE LOST 54 POUNDS and I WEIGHT 136 POUNDS. This has really helped eliminate the food cravings I'd been having for excess carbs and sweets.

Speaking of sweets, only once a week from this point forward. Period. Even after the weight is disappeared.

Additionally, I set up my food diary to correspond not with mealtimes but with my beliefs.

I'm currently applying for the MFA program in Poetry and Creative Non-Fiction. Besides a right-sized body, I'm also supporting my desire for a creatively fulfilled life.

"Eat to live, don't live to eat." -Benjamin Franklin

Okay then - looking forward to meeting some new and good friends who question me in a spirit of ultimate health. (P.S. I will post an actual picture of myself when I get back down to 172 lbs!!! Until then, Wonder Woman is my awesome avatar. Let the Lasso of Truth hold me and me it.)



  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Hi Diane! Add me and I'll cheer you on!
  • bonbonlosingweight
    bonbonlosingweight Posts: 1 Member
    Diane... I've joined today... ARe you still on?
  • Marylamb2015
    Marylamb2015 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Diane...We sound very similar except for the creative part. Have never posted before but I'd like to go on the journey together.