Pretty happy, might now need to lose more?

So, My goal was to get back to 145 pds. I started at 180 and am at 166...

Honestly, I feel pretty darn happy. Im thinking about cutting back to the half pd instead of full pd lose a week or maybe even going into maintain?

Has this happened to anyone else that they just are happy with a much smaller weight lose lol?

Up until a couple years ago the heaviest I had ever been was around 145 (Im 5'7) so I wanted to get back to that but..


  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    I'm around the same weight and have the same end goal, but I do still plan on getting there. But like you I don't mind how my body looks now, and I did just switch to a slower rate of loss (will be somewhere between 0.5-0.75lbs/week).
  • Psychgrrl
    Psychgrrl Posts: 3,177 Member
    It's about you, not necessarily the number on the scale. There are other indicators of health such as measurements, blood pressure, cholesterol, body fat %, fasting blood sugar.

    I think what's important is how you feel and your overall health. If you feel good where you are, modify your goal a bit like you're thinking and see how that goes for you. :smile:
  • mblair4185
    mblair4185 Posts: 26 Member
    Thank you ladies!!