I ate 1000 calories over my limit yesterday but I woke up starving?!!

I usually eat 1500-2000 calories a day but because today I was pretty much sedentary I tried to have a limit of 1700(1700 instead of 1500 because I felt starving the day before on 1400 and wanted to make it up to myself) I ate that little that day because eating around others makes me nervous. Anyway yesterday I ended up eating 2700 and I tried to not feel guiltyabout it and move on which is a new thing for me. But I have woke up so surprised to be rumbling with actual hunger! I count all my calories that go in and I count good estimations of my calories out. I know my counting is right as I have lost weight accordingly. Any ideas what is going on?!


  • MamaP47
    MamaP47 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm not an expert. Here is an article I found: LINK

    It might provide some insight.
  • pander101
    pander101 Posts: 677 Member
    That's not surprising. You digested food. Especially if you ate foods that are easily digestable.
  • hortensehildegarde
    hortensehildegarde Posts: 592 Member
    edited November 2014
    If only calories had some actual consistent equivalent effect on hunger! Sadly, they don't.

    I can eat WAY under the calories I need in a day, under my BMR even, and not be hungry or wake up hungry. Or I can eat that way and wake up hungry. Or I can eat at maintenance and be hungry or not be hungry. Or eat over and be hungry or not.

    It all depends on a lot of factors. Not the least of which is which time of the month it is.

    You may need to keep track of this and see if it happens again and how you feel. It may be the kinds of foods you ate, it may be stress, it may be TOM, it may be how much water you drank (sometimes thirst masquerades as hunger). It's different for everybody and can be different for each individual at different times.

    If it makes you feel any better though you are not alone! I almost NEVER wake up hungry (typically am not hungry until hours after waking) but sometimes I wake up just ravenous and it has on occasion happened after a high calorie previous day. Life's weird!

    ETA: Please see what help you can get for your anxiety about eating around others! Food is such an integral part of coexisting with other humans and just getting along in society. You are young and if you CHOOSE not to eat around others that is your right but it should be you making the choice, not your anxiety controlling you. If you are in college there should be some mental health service options available to you.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    Hunger has more to do with how much food is in your stomach than how much you've eaten in the past. If we could rely on our fat stores to keep us from being hungry, those of us who are overweight would never be hungry again.