What's a day in the life like?

Hi guys! I just opened this account up - I had one before but I really needed a fresh start. I've lost about 20 pounds in 4 months, which is great news, but I am looking to have dropped 40 more by the end of summer - 3 months, which is 3 pounds a week, about.. It's a task, I know. And I know it's not considerably the best strategy, but it's my deadline.
It's a little bit high up on the scale, since it's best to try to lose 2 pounds a week. But I am a very young woman with hours to exercise and cook daily if needed. It's possible.

However, I've been at a STANDSTILL.

I need a regular schedule to keep me from straying. I tend to keep eating if it's in sight.
Here's my problem.. I live with my family. They aren't in need of doing this diet that I'm on and I can't blame them for wanting to buy yummy foods. I need a consistent reminder not to go eat a pile of chips or guzzle a can of soda. (Which I have only had two sodas since january!)

I'm looking for YOUR guys' schedules, and how you manage to stay on track. I'm only looking for things that work for you.
I literally have all day to be free this summer, basically everyday, since I don't have a job currently and I'm just getting out of school. I really enjoy exercise and plan to have at least 2 hours of it daily. But how do you guys keep from eating badly all day?


  • melindasuefritz
    melindasuefritz Posts: 3,509 Member
    i excercise 70 minutes cardio daily
  • shosh413
    shosh413 Posts: 135 Member
    make little goals for yourself unrelated to fitness even to make you busy - such as doing a puzzle or learning to play the piano - or something like that. make it so that you go for a walk a few times a week in your neighborhood for an hour.. watch a good movie and make yourself excited for a snack that you will eat during it! Since you ahve the time make really yummy healthy meals !
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Why the deadline? With a 3 lb a week goal your looking at probably being in the 1000 calories a day range and thats getting daily excercise.

    Most of the time when people attempt these extreme deficits, even if they experience short term success they end up gaining back. I would my goal more gradual and sustainable if I were you.
  • LeaveMeAtPeace
    LeaveMeAtPeace Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for the advice. :) I definitely will set little goals each day for myself (unrelated to health, as you said) and see how that goes.

    The deadline is really for my own mental motivations.. I'm not going to beat myself up if I'm not exactly on that goal by the end of August, but I don't think it's necessarily too much to ask of my body since I have plenty of time, resources and the energy. I will definitely also consider extending it more towards january (my first goal of the one year diet plan I set out for myself).

    August is when I am going back into school, though, and of course it is every big girl's dream to walk down the hallway and have people ask "who is that?" ---> That may just be my personal fantasy, but I want to be around my goal by then. I have 60 pounds of extra weight (I weigh about 180, 5'4) and I know that won't fly off. I'm just trying to make the best use of my free months since i won't have many more opportunities like that again in a very long time.

    I'm not very strong, and i have no gym membership to go workout with weights. What's your suggestion for that? I want to make my arms stronger. I have daily access to biking, running and swimming.

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  • newmein2013
    newmein2013 Posts: 674 Member
    I think you're setting yourself up for failure here. It's a lifestyle change not a diet. There's no reason for you to make it difficult. There are no schedules. No secrets. Just eat right, exercise and enjoy life. As far as walking down the hallway and being noticed, I'd much rather be noticed for my intellect or my awesome personality rather than be noticed at face value for my body. Just my opinion.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Well to answer your question, when you have an agressive goal, the best thing you can do is to keep things consistent as much as possible.

    By that I mean, get your routine down and stick with it. For me, I ate the same thing every day up through dinner. Then at night with my remaining cals, I would have a treat of what I wanted. I packed a gym bag and went straight to the gym after work every day.

    You don't have a gym, can you buy some dumbbells or resistance bands and start with those? For cardio, find a nice park or trail and run that everyday to get your cardio in. For weight loss, its all about calorie deficit.
  • mspasdechat
    mspasdechat Posts: 23 Member
    I'm not the best person to give advice as I have struggled to stick with my own plan, *however* here is what I do. Usually.

    Have tea / light breakfast

    GO OUTSIDE! - I hate gyms. I would much rather be on a hiking trail in the peace and quiet. I try to walk/jog about 3.5 miles everyday, but I live near a lake with a trail around it. I'm not sure what you have access to, but I definitely suggest outdoor activities over anything else. I find it very relaxing.

    DANCE! - I'm a serious dance student so I am in class/rehearsal almost every evening. But even for the recreational student, dancing is so much fun! Maybe try a Zumba class or see what your local gym offers. For me, dance isn't even exercise - it's just fabulously liberating!

    MOVE ALL THE TIME WHENEVER FOREVER! - If I'm watching TV or I'm on the computer, I try to lift weights or do ab workouts. You could always be burning more calories, right?!

    I hope this helps. My biggest roadblock is food. I love it, and I hate that I can't eat too much of it without turning into an overweight cup of pudding. It's been quite the struggle, trying to eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full. My best advice is to always remember your goal! And try to do something fun and silly everyday :)
  • Csoldano
    Csoldano Posts: 34 Member
    I set little goals for myself and except fridays when I go out with friends I know exactly how many calories I'm eating a day...actually more often than not on a thursday I'll hit the interwebs to find what I can and can't eat where ever we're going. If I can't find anything I'll use common sense..like no deep fried food try to get some fish or grilled chicken.

    newmein2013 is 100% correct it's a lifestyle change not something that will happen over night. in the past almost year I've changed my activity level and eating habits to where if i don't at least go to the gym 3-4 days it won't feel right and even w/o MFP I know how many calories I can eat.

    It becomes a second nature...and honestly at first it seems like it's overwhelming but it was the best change I've ever made and a lot easier than it seems.